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Two days..., two days since he had confronted Marie with his evidence, still nobody had heard from Jimin.
Marie of course had gone on the defensive denying everything until shown the evidence.
She had then tried the crocodile tears to no effect, finally realising how mad Jungkook was she had asked what he wanted.
He'd told her he would be terminating her contract, she had begged, cried, yelled but to no avail. The end result would be the same, after a month she no longer would be a Jeon client, what she told the media was up to her but he had warned her if it was anything derogatory he would leak the evidence.
Since then he, Tae and Hobi had tried to contact Jimin but to no avail.
Now he was sat at Jins with his friends trying to decide what to do.
"Where would he go Tae?"
"I really don't know, I'm getting worried this is how he went after his parents abuse."
Jungkook swallowed the pain in his throat, he'd done this.....
"You say his car hasn't been back at all?"
"Not that I've seen and that's at different times of day,"
"It's weird I could have sworn I saw his car drive by the other day when I was cleaning tables outside but it wasn't Jimin in it," Jin mused.
Jungkook looked up, he suddenly stood up.
"I er I have to go somewhere," he said.
Getting in his car he drove around, Jimins car was old so there were two places he could think of where if his assumption was right Jimin could have sold it.
He pulled into one place and went to see the owner he came out and drove on to the next place.
"Hey sir I'm enquiring about a xxx car,"
"What about it?"
"Well er my friend was looking for one to teach his kids," he lied," he asked me to look around."
"Well if you had been here two days ago I could have helped, I had one in but it was sold pretty quickly."
"What a shame, my friend tried to buy one from a neighbour in his block it was blue, but Mr Park the owner said he wasn't selling but he hasn't seen it since."
"Park Jimin? That's who sold it to me, got a good bargain too."
"Oh er thanks, I'll tell my friend to keep looking,"
"Hey tell him I have some good cars here!"
"Yer will do..."
Jungkook came out, so Jimin had sold his car, did that mean he'd gone somewhere by train or bus, surely he could be tracked ?
He drove home, he needed to think out his next move.
He was entering his apartment when he heard a noise coming from Jimins. Had someone broken in?
He stepped closer his ear to the door he heard a muffled sound.
He stood straight debating then knocked loudly. It was silent. He knocked again still nothing.
"Open up or I'm calling the police!!" He yelled
A sound like someone mumbling came then suddenly the door opened and Jimin stood there.
"What?" He seemed to slur out.
"Jimin..., have you been here this whole time? What the hell have you done to your foot it's bleeding!"
He stared at the pale face of the smaller male, he looked dishevelled and strained.
"I dropped a glass I must have stood on it..." he said looking down as if just realising.
"Let me help you...."
"No! I don't need anyone or anything...., sue me take everything, it's not Hobi's fault, maybe I did take it I can't remember...."
He sounded dazed and confused, totally unlike the sassy male he knew, he remembered what Tae had told him.
"Jimin have you eaten anything?"
"Huh...., I was getting some water but I broke the glass, I think I was thirsty....."
"Jimin when did you last have something?"
"Yesterday at work ....."
Jungkook knew he hadn't been to work for days and was now seriously worried for the others health.
"Jimin......, when did you last see me?"
Jimin scoffed," yesterday of course, have you come to tell me I'm in trouble........"
Jimin suddenly clung to the open door, wow he thought how can the room move like this? He stared at the face of the other ,
"Why are you swa......"
He didn't finish his sentence he just passed out on the floor.
Jungkook quickly picked him up and carried him to the sofa, he got on his phone and called a doctor out then cleared the broken glass off the floor. He found a medicine box and gently cleaned Jimins foot, picking slivers of glass out.
He got a bowl and cloth and washed Jimin down, he found some pajamas and slipped them on him, the small male didn't stir.
The doorbell rang and Jungkook got up letting the doctor in.
Standing back while Jimin was examined he waited.
"Hmm, he's dehydrated and probably hasn't eaten, does he normally not take care of himself? If he's a danger to himself I could get him admitted to a psych ward?"
"NO! Er he's been under a lot of stress, I thought he had gone away but obviously he wanted to stay here."
"Well....,he needs care....., does he have anyone? I still think he needs to have a drip in."
"What if he stays at mine, can a nurse set up a drip?"
"Hmmm, let me call someone first."
He went to the side calling someone, after fifteen minutes of talking he came back, phone in hand.
"Your home number?"
"It's the flat opposite no 6,"
The doctor relayed this to whoever he was talking to then put the phone down.
"Right then, a district nurse will come out in an hour to set up a drip, another later this evening to replenish it. He needs small meals to start of with and someone with him for the next three days,"
"Thank you doctor here's my card send the bill to me."
Nodding the doctor left. Jungkook dashed around finding clothes for Jimin and his personnel wash stuff. He pulled the curtains back in the bedroom opening a small window to let in air, had Jimin just lay in here. He made a few trips to his apartment before finding Jimins keys and picking him up carrying him across the hall to his apartment and laying him on the sofa before going back to lock the door.
Jimin stirred he tried sitting up but felt so dizzy.
"Hey, careful," a voice said.
Jimin looked around seeing he was in the others apartment,No he couldn't be here, the other hated him.
"I'm g-going..." he swayed as he stood until two strong arms held him close .
"Ssssh, calm down, I know you probably hate my guts and that nothing I can say will make it right, but, your here because of me, you haven't been looking after yourself, a nurse is coming to put a drip in and you have to eat."
", I can't ..., I...., I should go home..."
"Jimin it's me or a psych ward, the doctor wasn't happy at what had happened to you....., I'm sure you would hate to be out there so I said I would take care of you, this is all my fault anyway."
"N-no hospitals......"
"You'll stay here?"
Jimin nodded," what day is it?"
Jungkook told him and he looked shocked.
"Here you can go in my bed..."
"No! I..., I haven't showered I stink,"
Jungkook chuckled," well I did sort of wash you but do you want a shower or bath? You have forty minutes before the nurse gets here."
"Ok wait here."
Jungkook ran a bath he came back lifting Jimin swiftly and carrying him to the bathroom.
"You want me to wait in case you fall?"
Jimin bit his lip then nodded, he slowly undressed and wobbled as he tried climbing in, jungkook was there instantly helping him.
"Shall I wash your hair?"
Getting Jimins permission he turned the water spray on as Jimin sat upright, he then lathered up the others hair massaging his head, he didn't know if Jimin was aware of the small moan he let out, but it certainly affected him. He rinsed Jimins hair, then got a sponge and washed Jimins top half down making Jimin blush.
"I-I can do the rest," he said.
"Ten minutes and I'm coming back ok?"
He walked out leaving the door slightly ajar, he quickly stripped the bed putting fresh sheets on.
Going back he saw Jimin had emptied the bath and was trying to step out. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him rubbing him dry.
"Can I brush my teeth ?"
"Sure look your wash stuff is here, pjs or something else?"
"T shirt and boxers?"
While Jimin cleaned his teeth and combed his hair,Jungkook sorted through the bits he'd brought over finding boxers and a t shirt then changed his mind getting one of his t shirts .
"Here your boxers my t shirt it will be looser more comfortable to sleep in."
Jimin thanked him  putting them on, he felt drained from the little he had done but turned to walk slowly before he was picked up and carried to the bed,
"Let me put a new plaster on your foot"
Jungkook  covered the wound an then let Jimin slide down between the sheets. The doorbell rang, jungkook was about to answer it when Jimin gripped his hand,
"C-can you stay when they do it? I don't like needles"
Jungkook nodded then left to let the nurse in.
"Hello, I'm here to set up the drip, what have you been doing to yourself young man?"
The older woman smiled at Jimin as she spoke so he didn't feel intimidated.
She set up a drip stand hanging the bag in it then got ready to insert a needle into Jimin, if anything he went paler than he already was, gripping the sheet until a hand closed around his and a thumb rubbed back and forth across his wrist, Jimin was so mesmerised by the others stare he barely flinched when the needle went in.
"There all done cutie, now I'll set this so the night nurse will come around ten to replenish it, I'll be back in the morning to remove it ok?"
Jimin nodded and Jungkook walked her to the door.
"Take care of your boyfriend he's a cute one and remember small meals at first, cheerio."
Jungkook didn't correct her just smiled. By the time he got back to the bedroom Jimins eyes were closed and he was sleeping soundly.
Quietly walking out he rang Namjoon ,then Tae to tell them he'd found Jimin. After explaining Tae and Hobi immediately wanted to come over but he stalled them saying Jimin needed sleep but maybe tomorrow.
He stood in the bedroom doorway watching Jimin sleep, something inside him finally felt calm at knowing where Jimin was, a feeling of comfort and relief.

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