The grand opening

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"Hey Rose, nice to come,"
"Well of course sweetie, anything for you..."
Rose clung onto Jungkooks arm, he gently disentangled himself.
"Sorry Rose I have to mingle"
She pouted so he beckoned a waiter over who offered her a drink which she took then pouting made her way to another group off people.
"Quick thinking Kook..." a tall handsome man said.
"Hey Jin glad you came where's Joonie?"
"Sussing out his office, I must say you've done great with the place."
"Yer I'm pleased at how it turned out, Suga is in his element loves the studios."
"Thanks for making Joonie assistant manager
"He deserves it all the hours he's put in"'
"Don't I know it!"
"Sorry Jin, I know it meant you missed out in his company"
"Ah but it let me get my project off the ground without him fussing.., you are now looking at the owner of one stop cafe, three doors down!"
"What ! That's brilliant, Joonie didn't tell me?"
"Cos I threatened to cut his balls off if he mentioned it to anyone before it was a done deal."
"Wow your scary!"
Jin grinned then looking around gasped,
"Gosh who's that cutie? Isn't he your type?"
"I don't have a type..., who you on about?"
"Over there, the small guy getting eyed up by everyone."
Jungkook looked then saw Jimin talking to the owner of the dance studio. What the fuck was he doing here?
He saw Jimin go to the buffet and excused himself from Jin.
Jimin looked at all the food but only took a handful of grapes his old insecurities about his weight haunting him.
"You usually sneak in uninvited to places your not welcome?"
Jimin jumped at the voice then turned to face his nemesis.
"What's it to you? You've obviously done the same, I mean no one would intentionally invite you."
"Listen up you little fucker, you should go before I get you thrown out."
"You? Huh don't make me laugh,who do you think you are?"
Jungkook grabbed Jimin hauling him off to an empty office.
"I'm the owner and planer of this party shorty so what do you have to say now?!?!"
Both glared at each other then Jimin smirked.
"I was invited,"
"Like hell you were"
"Calling me a liar?"
"Yes I am shorty, no way did I send an invite to a short arse little prick like you."
For a moment Jungkook saw hurt in the others eyes which vanished quickly.
"But you did to all employees of Hobi's dance studio, which I happen to be one of."
Jungkook stared, he worked with Hobi?
They stared at each other then Jungkooks glance went down to the others lips remembering how they had felt on his. Without either noticing they got closer.
"Your really irritating you know,"
"So are you," Jimin answered ensnared by the others gaze.
Suddenly their lips crashed against each other, Jungkook nipped the others hearing a moan, he took advantage by swirling his tongue inside and putting his hand on Jimins ass bringing him close.
They jumped apart in shock glancing towards a sofa on the other side of the room.
"Much as your repartee was quite amusing I draw the line at watching you fuck."
Jimin went beetroot red and glancing between Jungkook and the other male ran out.
"He's cute," Suga said
Jungkook was irritated he'd been so into the kiss he and Kookie junior wanted more.
"What are you doing in here anyway?" He asked
"Well it says my name on the door or didn't you notice? I was going to take a nap."
Jungkook looked embarrassed
"Huh well you should be out there socialising you are our main producer."
"Aw,did I spoil your moment with cutie?"
"It wasn't a moment, he irritates the fuck out of me,"
"Didn't look that way with your tongue down his throat."
"Oh shut up and get out there!"
"Ok, ok,by the way don't call smaller people shorty it irritates the fuck out of them."
"I know," Jungkook grinned as the pair walked out.
Back at the party Jungkook searched for Jimin, he saw him talking to Hobi and his husband.
He sauntered over.
"Hi thanks for coming, Jimin was telling me he works for you?"
"Hello Jungkook, you know Jimin?"
"He's my neighbour."
"Jimin you didn't say?"
"I didn't know who Mr Jeon was, we have er nicknames for each other,"Jimin lied as the only names he called him were prick, dickhead or asshole.
"Oh that's cute," Tae said," what do you call each other?"
Jungkook jumped in knowing exactly what Jimin called him.
"I call him moochi, you know he's like a sweet small desert."
Jimin fumed then retorted," and I call him bunny, don't you think he looks like a little bunny."
Jimin smirked at Jungkook who glared back.
"I think he looks more like a stallion, wild hair and muscles...." Tae reflected.
"Why thank you, you have a good eye..."
"Yer and Jimin is more an exotic bird beautiful plumage." Hobi said whimsically.
"Nah he's a moochi... although the way he was staring at the buffet he's more a munchy ha,ha..., a short pudgy munchy is what he will be.!"
Jungkook laughed at his own joke, failing to see the hurt in Jimins eyes and the worried look in the others.
Jimin mumbled something and walked to the bar.
"Erm Jungkook..."
"Please don't taunt Jimin about weight,"
"Why he's skinny as a rake?"
Hobi and Tae looked at each other then Hobi said in a lowered voice," Jimin has a past eating disorder, his parents always called him chubby, it was puppyfat but they taunted him all the time, they couldn't stand the fact he is gay, so they put him down continually. He stopped eating properly, starved himself, he was skin and bone but they still taunted him it's like they wanted him to starve to death so he would no longer be a bother. He passed out continually in college until he was rushed to hospital, he was in there for a month, they diagnosed him with an eating disorder and body dysmorphia,  it's where you have an unreal picture of how you look. My parents took him in when he came out of hospital, his own said he should have died. They haven't spoken in years. Jimin got stronger both physically and mentally but he worries sometimes about eating or if he's put weight on, I'm only telling you this as he's like my brother, I don't like to see him hurting like just now..."
Jungkook nodded feeling very guilty, he didn't know why he reacted like that around the other , it felt like a weird need to get his attention.
"Thank you for telling me, now please enjoy the party a band will play soon, I hope you can get others up dancing!"
As if on cue music started and many of the guests got up and danced.
Jungkook made his way to the bar, in time to see Jimin knock back two shots.
"Drowning your sorrows?"
"For fucks sake...., just leave me alone."
"Your friends are dancing...."
"You want to join them?"
Jimin just raised an eyebrow and ignored him. The beat suddenly changed to a faster sexier one.
"JIMIN COME ON!!" Tae yelled dragging him on the floor. Soon Hobi, Tae and Jimin had a bunch of admirers watching them dance to the sexy tune.
Jungkooks eyes never left Jimin. His whole body was a pleasure to watch, his smile as he threw himself into the beat, the way his hips thrust and that ass.....
Tune after tune he didn't seem to tire, he'd dance to the bar and swig down a shot. He giggled, actually giggled at Jungkook daring him to dance with him. Not one to deny a challenge Jungkook started dancing, he held Jimins hips keeping in time to the music and staring deeply at the other who once he got over the shock of the other dancing sang along to the song his voice as good as his dancing.
The next song was a slow one, Jimin went to walk to the bar but two strong hands stopped him, putting Jimins arms around his neck he pulled the other close swaying together.
"No more drinking you look like you've had enough," Jungkook said huskily into Jimins ear.
"Spoilsport...,I can still feel so it can't be enough..."
"What are you trying to numb?"
Jimin lay his head on the others chest tiredly..
"Numb?.....I dunno maybe the fact I'm a moochi or a munchy....,I'm a fatty." He gave a sad laugh
Jungkook felt a pain in his chest at the words, he'd caused this.
"Are you angling for a compliment? You know your skinny not fat and you want me to praise your great figure?" He joked trying to have the snippy Jimin back.
"I'm tired of trying to fit in......"
Jimin suddenly slumped against Jungkook out for the count.
Tae and Hobi ran over as they saw Jungkook swing Jimin up in his arms.
"Shit he must have had more than four shots,"
"Does something happen to him then?"
"Yer, he will be out for the rest of the night he can't handle that much, he's a lightweight, literally his metabolism knocks him out if he drinks a lot, yet he will wake up with barely a headache."
"Tae,see that tall man over there..., his name is Jin can you tell him I'm leaving and ask him and Namjoon to lock up.."
"Sure,you taking Jimin home?"
"That's the idea....."
Tae gave him Jimins jacket and soon he was placing Jimin in his car. Driving off he glanced at the comatose male.
"Not as hard as you like to make out are you?" He whispered.
His eyes took in the pouty lips and he felt junior stirring, fuck Jungkook he's unconcious and your turned on, get a grip!!
He got to the apartments carrying Jimin easily he was so light, getting up to their floor he walked down the hallway stopping in front of their doors.
Should he find Jimins key and put him in his room.... But what if he got I'll or stumbled while drunk?
No he decided he can stay at mine.
He carried Jimin to his bedroom, stripping off his clothes down to his boxers. He got a warm damp cloth and wiped him down drying him off and placing him under the cover. He curled up in a ball looking smaller than ever.
Jungkook went and showered he came out drying off and climbed into bed naked, his home his rules, turning the light off he lay down getting comfortable.
A small body snuggled close to him.
He moved away slightly but Jimin whimpered in his sleep so he moved back and the smaller male sprawled across him.
It felt.....nice so Jungkook allowed it one arm coming to hold the other close and soon both were fast asleep.

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