Temptation at arms length

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Jimin had slept for a while and then woken up to find Jungkook sitting nearby working on a laptop.
"Ah good your awake, I've made some soup I'll dish it up for you"
He disappeared coming back with a bowl on a tray, Jimin pulled himself up to a sitting position and Jungkook placed the tray on his lap.
He dipped the spoon in and took a small mouthful .
"Wow this is nice,"
"Good eat what you can"
"What about you?"
"I ate something larger earlier, I'm fine."
Jimin bit his lip then nodded spooning some more into his mouth. Soon he'd eaten two thirds of it.
"I'm sorry but I'm full..."
"No worries you did well, here's some tea,"
"I need the bathroom first excuse me,"
Numb grabbed the drip stand after sliding out of bed, slowly he walked to the bathroom using the facilities then coming back, getting into bed.
"I feel like a baby learning to walk!"
"Your bound to feel like that until you build your strength up..."
He passed Jimin his tea, " you want to watch tv?"
Jimin looked around the room.
"Oh you mean in your sitting room?"
"No here," he pressed a button and a screen  appeared from the end of the bed.
Jungkook switched the tv on found a comedy and put the remote near Jimin.
"Here I'll do a bit more work in the other room,"
"I'm sorry I'm interrupting your schedule, it's worse for you , you don't like me much right now...."
Jungkook stood next to Jimin tipping his face up,
"I like you Jimin but you should hate me for all the awful things I said, I should have trusted you, deep down I knew something was off but I still blamed you. Marie set it all up, with the help of both our friends we found the evidence and confronted her, by the end of this month she is no longer in my employ, if you want to sue me for defamation you are well within your rights."
Jimin was stunned,Marie had set them up? Why?
He didn't realise he had spoken allowed until Jungkook answered.
"She taped herself knew she would be laughed off the stage if she ever tried dancing to it so to save face leaked it to someone who she knew then acted upset saying she couldn't possibly do a video shoot in that frame of mind and said maybe the next one."
"Good luck with that," Jimin muttered ."I won't sue you, you have known her longer than me so I can understand why you believed her, it was just a bit...."
"Harsh, hateful, demoralising?" I was a bastard and no one is sorrier than me for what I said and did, now rest.  "
"I won't lie, it hurt a lot..., it affected me negatively, I...., I'm not always confident in myself through past experiences,it's not that I'm letting you off, it's just that I need to make me feel ok about it, suing people won't do that but letting go of it will. I can't say I'll feel settled around you like I was but I appreciate you taking care of me."
Jungkook felt a loss sweep through him.
"I can understand your feelings and I won't make you feel uncomfortable , this is an unknown area for me too, I never deliberately hurt people and I'm ashamed of myself."
He vanished into the other room leaving Jimin to his own devices, true to his word he took care of Jimin fed him and once the night nurse had been he collected pillows and spare bedding from a cupboard.
He used his bathroom to shower and change then said goodnight to Jimin.
"But where are you sleeping?"
"The sofa,"
"But...,this is your bed I can sleep there...."
"No, I'll be fine,"
"Y-you could sleep here too?"
"I don't think that's a good idea, sleep well Jimin."
He left and set up his bedding on the sofa. Laying down one arm behind his head he stared at the ceiling. He felt unhappy, he didn't know why the thought of Jimin disliking him hurt, hadn't they clashed a lot before? Why was now different? He fidgeted, looked like he was in for a long night.
He must have dozed as a loud noise disturbed him, forgetting he was on the sofa he turned and fell off the couch," ouch!!"
Getting up he made his way to the bedroom, hearing muttered curses.
Switching the light on he found Jimin on the floor trying to unwrap himself from a duvet, the drip stand tilted into the bed.
"Hey, let me help you..."
Jimins sleepy eyes looked up and he blushed.
"I'm sorry Kookie, I needed the bathroom but got disorientated and I must have huddled the duvet around me."
"Hang on I'll unwrap you, be careful of the drip and stand."
Eventually Jimin was standing up holding onto the drip stand ready to wheel it to the bathroom. He noticed Jungkook wince and rub his back.
"Are you ok?"
"Me? Of course,"
"Your back?"
"Oh, like you I forgot where I was and took a tumble."
"You know....., I don't mind you sleeping here."
"It's unfair to you, I'll not push myself on you."
"Actually...., I'm a bit of a hugger, I like to feel secure which is why I was tangled up in the duvet."
Jungkook stared then shrugged," ok if your sure?"
Jimin smiled and nodded, Jungkook sat on the bed til Jimin had done what he needed then helped settle him in the bed with the drip stand near enough but not in the way. He then slid in the other side and turned off the lamp.
Silence filled the room...., ten minutes later a sigh,
"Kookie?" Jimin whispered
"Can you Erm get closer?"
After a few minutes Jungkook slid across the bed and spooned Jimin.
"Now go to sleep!"
Sleep came quickly then for both of them, Jungkook held the other close all night and Jimin felt safe and secure.
The doorbell ringing woke them both with a start,
"Shit the nurse!"
Jungkook grabbed a robe and finger brushed his hair, Jimin giggled as the other tidied the bed his side then went out to answer the door.
"Hello "the nurse said brightly
"Hi,sorry for the mess," Jungkook said looking at the bedding on the sofa
"Oh it's fine , I expect it took you a while to get to sleep on the sofa?"
"Oh er yer......."
They both walked in to find Jimin sitting up looking angelic.
"Oh someone looks brighter, your boyfriend here must have wished he was sleeping here instead of the sofa."
Jimin looked at the other, Jungkook shrugged.
"Well. He wanted me to rest up, so gave up his bed , he knows I fidget."
"Ok then, so how do you feel? You have more colour in your face..."
"Yes I don't feel as drained"
"Good, well I'll take the drip out, but you still need to take it  easy and eat ."
"Ok........,I can do that in my own place."
"No..!I mean I can make sure you get your stamina back, you're not 100% yet." Jungkook said quickly.
The nurse looked at Jungkook and smiled then turned to Jimin.
"He's right, I understand the doctor was that worried he was talking about a psych ward?"
"I can't go there!!" Jimin said worriedly
"That's why Mr Jeon made this arrangement, a couple of days should get you feeling more like your old self."
"Ok..., I'll stay..., if it's really ok Kookie."
Jungkook smiled," of course it is, I can work from home,thank you nurse."
Jimin looked at the dazzling smile the other gave the nurse and he felt the tiniest bit of jealousy that this handsome man gave the smile to someone else.
"Yes thank you, we will let you go now," he told the kind woman.
Jungkook showed her out while Jimin told himself off for being jealous,it's not as if the other meant something to him was it?

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