Practice (Smut)

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Hello hello !! This was requested by the amazing: @Anna200O (hopefully this works it doesn't show up as I don't follow you 😭)

I hope you enjoy this, I'm still kinda new to smut as I've written it about 4 times but I think I got the hang of it. Anyways, ENJOY THE NEWEST CHAPTER OF THIS REOPENED BOOK

I was humming as I cleaned around the castle, Markl was currently out getting groceries and Howl was out doing whatever he was doing. After sweeping the floor I put the flop away. "So Cal, what do you think." I said looking around the now spotless kitchen and living room space. "Spotless as always, (y/n)" he says smiling.

"Thank you !" The door opens and Howl comes in, his charming smile on his face. He closed the door before I could even see where he came from. There was definitely a new colour on the door and he just came through it. "Good afternoon, love." Howl said walking over.

"Good afternoon, Howl." I smiled, he pulled me by the wrist into a hug, I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. Going on my tippy toes to place a quick peck on his lips.

"I love you." I said, looking into his eyes. "I love you, (y/n). I have a surprise for you." I looked at him confused. "But why ? It's not my birthday and our anniversary of when we first got together isn't for a good few months."

He just smiled, dragging me to the door. "I just felt like it." He said winking. I laughed. "Close your eyes." I obey, closing my eyes. I hear the door open, "don't open your eyes." He muttered into my ear, putting his hand over my eyes, I hear the door close. He guided me until we stopped. "Open your eyes" he said taking his hand off my eyes. I slowly open my eyes to be in front of another door.

"Open it, love."

"Okay.." I muttered, grabbing the handle I opened the door revealing a study, with books, and books on magic, and a open space in the middle, my very own practice room. My eyes widened as I looked around, until I turned back around to howl.

"Howl...this is amazing. Thank you." I smiled. "It's the least I could do, you have done so much for me." He said caressing my cheek. I smile leaning into his hand.

He leaned in and placed his lips onto mine, i wrap my arms around his neck as I kissed him back, his over hand travelling down my body. I pulled away and I looked into his eyes, I don't know if he was feeling the same, so I placed a hand on his chest. "Does this room come with a bed~?" I said, my smile turning into a smirk. He was taken aback but he nodded. "It does."

He took my hand and pulled me along as we went to one of the bookcases. "I wasn't to sure, if you would want to do anything like that in here. So I made sure to add a room just for that use if you were to hint at it." He dragged his hand over the bookcase until he landed on a book, pulling it out and it opens like a door. He puts his hand out.

"Are you ready ?" He asks, still not too sure, we have done it before but we don't do it a lot. But I think I'd like to change that. I took his hand.
"I was born ready." He pulls me into the room, the door closing behind us. Leading me to the bed. He pulls me up close, I wrapped my arms around his knock. Kissing him. Pulling me body closer to his slim one, he kisses back. Picking me up I wrap my legs around his waist.

The kiss depending he sat on the bed, me straddling him. I pulled away and tugged at bus shirt. He laughed and took his shirt off, he unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. I got off of him and pulled him up. He took his trousers off so he was just in his pants. He unzipped my skirt and pulled it down.

"Are you okay ?" Howl asked, I nodded. "Yes, now please can we carry on you're driving me insane. He laughed and sat me laid me down on the bed. "You are so beautiful." He muttered, trailing his hands down my body, and up again. He looking into my eyes, and cupped my cheeks. "I love you." I laughed. "I love you too."

He smiled before he kissed me, I kissed him back, his hands trailing down my body to my panties. Slipping two of his digits into my pants he rubs my clit, causing me to stifle a moan into the kiss.

He trails kisses down my knock until he found my sweet spot. "H-howl." I whimper, he moves his dings down to my entrance and sticks two of his digits in. I gasped at the feeling.

He started to slowly fuck me with his fingers. "H-howl." I moan. He stops kissing my knock and looks at me in the eyes. "Do you think you can handle more ?" I couldn't get out any words from all of the moaning so I just nodded. He kisses me again, sliding in one more finger.

His digits kept on hitting my g spot. I felt my climax coming. Moaning into the kiss I kiss him back, bucking my hips into his fingers, he flips a fourth one in stretching my walls more I moaned into the kiss. He pulled away from the kiss. My moans growing louder by every second. "H-howl I-I'm going to-" I managed to get out. "Cum for me, love."

He muttered into my ear, I moaned loudly as I felt myself cum all over his fingers. He pulled them out and licked his fingers. "You taste divine as always my dear." I blushed. "W-what about you ?" I asked. "Come here." He said pulling me in. He got up from the bed and took his pants off, and got onto the bed.

"You didn't think I was just going to let you cum without me did you ?" I blushed hard as I laid back down. This was going to be a long night, but who cares, it'll be the best night.


HELLO LOVELIES. I feel like this is very shitty. I don't think I can write smut with aho but if you like it please tell me, so I know that it isn't shitty and that I can write smut with him. I LOVE YOU ALL

~ Yona

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