The first date

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This was requested by yet again my friend Cute_Bitch9 thank you again XD. Let's get this started.

Song picked out by my bro uwu. Amazing taste right?? LMAO. Gotta love him.

I woke up, rubbing my tired eyes. I looked around and realised that Howl isn't in bed. "Huh?? Howl must be up already." I hopped out of bed and ran down the stairs. I saw Howl at the table with some cheese and bread. "Good morning, Howl~" I went over and hugged him from behind. He chuckled. "Good morning, darling." He pulled me onto his lap. And hugged me. I giggled and hugged back. "Why are you up so early, Howl??"

"I was thinking of a date location. We are going out today, aren't we??" I nodded smiling brightly. "Yup. Imma take a bite from that!!" I giggled and took his breakfast and took a bite. He chuckled, taking a bite of the other end while it was still in my mouth, making my eyes widen and my cheeks flushed. I rip off the piece I nombed and chewed it, looking away from him. "Aha, you're the one who actually took it away from me"

"I knowwwwwww. But we are dating so we can share our foodddd." He smiled and russled my hair. "But you get so embarrased so easily, so I had to." I pouted and looked away, getting up from his lap. "I'm going to get dressed and then we can get going." He nodded. "Alright, see you in a minute." I nodded and rushed upstairs, my face blushing.

Why the hell did we did do that-

I shook my head and got dressed. Into my favourite (F/C) dress. I ran down the stairs and got to Howl. "Howl, I'm backkkkkk." He looked around and smiled. "You look beautiful, (Y/N)." I smiled nervously and looked down. "T-thank you, Howl..." He chuckled. And grabbed my hand. "Calcifer, if Markl comes down and ask you were we are, just tell him we're out on a date."

"Alright, alright. Have fun you two." I giggled. "Bye, Calcifer!!" I said and left the castle with Howl. "So where are we going??" I asked honestly interested. "How about we go down to the cafe that you said you wanted to go to for a while??" My eyes widened and sparlked. "Really??!!" I jumped up and down happily. "Thank you!!" He chuckled. " Of course let's go in." I smiled and dragged him down to the cafe. It took us a while, but we finally found and it went in. I stared in awe at all the decorations.

"Oh Howl, look at how beautiful everything is!!" He chuckled, pulling me along to a table. We went and sat down. "It is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you, darling." My cheeks blushed as I looked away. "Oh shut up!!" He laughed. Smiling brightly. "You are just too easy to tease..." I pouted. "So are you!! Going crazy over your hair changing colour..." it was his time for his cheeks to flush. "It gets frustrating when my hair suddenly changes colour because you changed around the potions again."

"I only wanted to help!! And, your hair looks WAY better when it's darker." I said leaning in, touching his blush black hair, his face flushed a bit and took my hand, leaning in closer and kissed me. He pulled away, leaving me a blushing mess. "Payback." He said laughing. I pouted and looked away. "You're lucky I love you...." I said quietly. A waiter comes over and gives us the menus.

"Hello, what would you two like today??" I took the menu and so did Howl. I skimmed through it and one in particular caught my eye. "Can I please have (Favourite cafe food) and (favourite drink)" I said putting the menu down. "I'll have the same but with a coffee. Thank you" (if you said coffee but ignore the 'but with a coffee' part) the waiter jotted everything down. "Thank you, we will bring your order soon." He bowed and walked away.

"Who knew you wanted the same as me." He shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't know what to order so I ordered what you did" I giggled. "That's fine. Thank you for taking us here." He shook his head. "It's alright. No need to thank me. I just wanted to do something special with you. We haven't been able to hang out much due to my outings." I nodded.

"And with my other job. I get it. So I'm grateful we both had the time off today." He took my hand and brought it up to his lips, placing a kiss on it. "Thank you, for sticking with me. Thank you for saving me and Calcifer. I could have died, both me and him." I shook my head. "No need to thank me. I did what I had to, I couldn't let the person I love die. I wouldn't be able to live my life if I known I could of saved them..."

Howl pulled me closer by the arm and cupped my cheeks. "It's okay. I'm still alive aren't I?? , and so is Calcifer. So we don't need to think of that okay??" I nodded, placing my hand over his. "Alright....let's just enjoy this little date." He let go and sat back, I did the same. The waiter came over with our drinks and food. "Here is your order, please enjoy your time here."

"Thank you, you too" the waiter bowed and went off. "This really does look good." I nodded, looking at the (favourite food). Well, let's eat!!"

~After the date~
Me and Howl had gotten back to the shop. He opened the door for me. "Why thank you." He chuckled. "What kind of boyfriend would I be??" I giggled. "Of course, let's sneak in so we don't wake up Markl." He nodded as he got in himself and slowly closed the door, we sneaked upstairs trying to make as little noise as possible. We got into our shared room and flopped on the bed, we put our shoes down quietly.

"Today was amazing. Thank you." He shook his head, laying down on the bed. I payed down and out my head on his shoulder. "No need to thank me. I wanted to do this for you." I smiled, snuggling into Howl. He put a arm around my shoulder, snuggling in close too. "Okay...good night, Howl."

"Good night, (your nickname)..."


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