-Peter's POV-
Loki was annoying as heck! He found a way to speak into my mind just so he could mess with me. Sometimes he would make himself sound like Aurora and whenever I thought I heard her shout "DUCK!" I would follow her lead, making a fool of myself in the process.
After a long thirty minutes of walking back to the tower and suffering through Loki's tricks, we finally had made it back. Loki started to slightly struggle against the webbed bonds as a last-ditch effort to gain freedom, but Aurora put a knife against his arm, threatening to cut him if he continued.
I notice that Loki has been acting strange. At the school he put up a big fight putting in his full effort, but now he's not even trying to escape. Now that I think of it, something is definitely going on, he's planning something.
"GET!... OUT!... OF!... THE!... ELEVATOR!!!" I went to shove him again, but before I could come in contact with him, he stepped aside, causing me to stumble out of the elevator and fall on my face.
I see Aurora roll her eyes and help me up before grabbing hold of Loki again, tugging him out of the elevator.
"JARVIS, call Mr. Stark and the others up here please." I say rubbing my head. Shortly after, everyone arrived in the main room and when they saw Loki in Aurora's grasp, their jaws dropped.
"How did- where did... Aren't you two supposed to be at school right now? More importantly, what is reindeer games doing here?" My dad- I mean Mr. Stark questions. The look of confusion is apparent on his face.
"Let's get Loki in a cell first before we tell you everything. He's been a pain in our butts for the last forty minutes." Aurora scowls as she follows her uncle to the holding cells of the tower, practically dragging Loki by his ear.
I take off my mask, while running my hands through my hair I sigh. "Hey Mr. Stark, could you please change the material that my mask is made of? It gets really hot and hard to breath in."
"Sure thing kid. You two got a lot of explain to do, especially why you are standing right here and not in school."
Once Aurora came back into the room without Loki, we started to explain what happened.
"Okay, okay. So, you are telling me that Aurora threw a knife in class because she had a feeling someone was there, even though she didn't see anyone present. She then luckily, ended up revealing Loki when she had thrown the knife in his direction and caused a whole fight to break out. In the process also trapping the whole class inside the classroom. Then when Peter tried to pick the lock while Aurora fought off Loki, it had ended up getting Aurora pinned against Loki at knife point. Aurora then proceeds to stomp on Loki's foot causing a distraction, freeing herself, while you, Peter, webs him to the wall. Aurora then picks the lock herself in half the time and opens the door letting everyone out." Natasha sums up while pacing the length of the debriefing room. I could see Mr. Stark sitting down with his hand covering his face, disappointed.
"Yeah, pretty much. Oh, he also called Aurora by her real last name, and he almost gave away my identity. So, we may need to address that later." Almost as if on cue, Clint's phone starts to ring. He looks down before answering us.
"Alright then. That's the school, so I guess we'll have both of you take turns talking to Loki. Let's have Peter go first then Aurora. While you guys are doing that, the team will monitor your conversation while I make up a reason as to why Aurora had a knife in school." Clint says before picking up the call, acting as if nothing was wrong and it was a normal Tuesday for us. Aurora I take our leave and walk down to Loki's holding cell.
Mr. Stark sets us up by giving us both of us an earpiece so that the team could hear the conversation between us and Loki. I put my mask back on and ready myself to walk into the room where the God of mischief is being held. Luckily, Mr. Stark had already had another mask ready for when I came back from school today. Now, I should be able to breath better, he also improved the tech because he claimed that the tech was too "Outdated" even though he had just made me a suit yesterday. But hey, I'm not mad about free upgrades.
"It will be fine... right?" I say to myself as I walk into the room.
As I approach the cell I see Loki, who is hand and ankle cuffed inside a small circular cell. The cell looks identical to the one that he was held in during his time at the helicarrier.
"Ah the Spider, is your little friend coming in here too? What is her name again? Ah yes, Aurora. A fiery one isn't she."
"Mr. Odinson-"I was cut off.
"I am NOT an Odinson! I am Loki Laufeuyson and you- "
"Okay, okay, I got it. Anyway, Aurora will not be coming in here with me. But I will be talking to you about your reasons for being here. What are your plans Mr. Loki." I say trying to sound professional as I pace in front of his cell.
"Eh heh. Well, I do plan to go to the market later and buy some of my favorite flowers."
"And those are?" I am skeptical of his answer, I never really thought of him being a flower type of guy.
"Bird's-Foot Trefoil, I love the vibrant colors that they give off." He replies with a grin, "You should get Aurora some, I can tell you are taking a liking to her."
"What do you mean?" I stop my pacing to look at him.
"I saw the way you acted when I had her held at knifepoint, you would have done anything to make sure she wouldn't get hurt."
I barred my teeth, he was right. I was starting to develop a little crush on Aurora, she was smart, strong, and fearless. I become silent, shocked at his observation.
"Ah there we go, now you see it. I want you to remember that feeling and protect her." He pounds his fist against the glass of the cell making me jump back in fear, "so when I break out of here and slowly take away her life in front of you, I want you to suffer remembering that it was all your fault and you couldn't do anything to save her."
"You won't get a chance." That was the last thing I said before rushing out of the room, scared of what could happen to Aurora.
I walk to the meeting room where the rest of the Avengers were waiting. When I walked through the doors and all eyes turn to me, Aurora walks past me in a rush.
"I'm going to talk to Loki." She yells over her shoulder as she walks out of the room grabbing an earpiece off the table.
"It's okay kid, he is a hard one to interrogate." Natasha says as she pats me on the back, "Don't worry about what he said, you'll protect her. Even if you can't protect her, we will be right by your side to help."
Part of me wanted to believe what he said was a lie, but the other part of me believed that he was telling the truth. 'Will he really kill her in front of me'? I shake the thoughts out of my head and leave the room. I start making my way to the kitchen to make myself a root beer float, those always cheer me up.
Hey y'all! I had just got news I have no school tomorrow! Woo! In celebration I posted this chapter and finished a project for school. Hope you all had a nice weekend and I'll see y'all next time. -C0ffee_Stain

Friends with the Spider
ActionA new girl comes to the town and one day bumps into Peter. They start to go on missions together and become SHEILD agents. But what happens when a big bad god from Asgard comes down to Earth and messes with thier lives. Read the book and you'll find...