Chapter 13
Aurora's casual outfit she wore when she was kidnapped ^
"Mommy, daddy where are we going?"A little girl with curly brown hair was walking hand in hand with her mother and father down the dark streets of New York.
"A special place sweetheart, so we can be safe and away from all the bad people." The father's dark brown hair shifting in the wind and his brown eyes reflecting off the shady lamp posts. The mother, who was on the other side of the little girl, had light brown hair that reminded the girl of warm melted caramel and blue eyes like the ocean.
"Okay!" The little girl answers, oblivious on what may actually be going on around them. As the walked down the street, the mother and father occasionally looked behind them to make sure that no one was following their path.
"So, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton where might you be going this evening?" A man walks out in front of the family from an alleyway, holding a black gun lazily at his side.
The father steps protectively in front of the mother and little girl. "Leave them alone Alex, they have nothing to do with this." The father yells at the man.
"Mommy, what's going on?" The little girl asks as she hugs her mother. "Daddy is just dealing with some business Ro; it will be over soon." The mother reassures.
"James, James, James. You messed with the organization and didn't expect consequences? To think that I thought you were smarter than that. Anyway, this was fun while it lasted, say goodbye to your family." The man then kills the little girl's father before turning to the mother and doing the same.
"NOOO!!" The little girl shouts, but it falls upon deaf ears.
The man turns to shoot the little girl but before he could, another man dressed in black came out of nowhere and knocked the man who killed the girl's parents out with the butt of his gun.
While the man was taking care of the unconscious murderer, the little girl cried and held her mother and father, hoping that they would magically come back to life to reassure her that everything will be okay.
As she was crying, the man who took out Alex, noticed and put a hand on her shoulder. Once the little girl noticed his gesture, she turned around and hugged him.
"It's okay, It's okay. It's all over now, come with me, I'll keep you safe." The man picks up the girl and starts walking to a black SUV that had a silver eagle emblem imprint on it.
"My name is Agent Barton, but you can call me Clint. I'll keep you safe." Clint said as he gently lay the girl down in the backseat of the SUV. "I'm Aurora." The little girl said as she drifted off into sleep.
~Aurora's POV~
"AGH!" I woke up, soaked in sweat and shaking. My throat raw, signaling that I had once again been screaming in my sleep.
'It's okay Ro, it's all over.'
I looked around at my surroundings, there were three blank, pearly white walls. Then in front of me was a sparkly orange barrier, yeah that's all that's in here. Nothing had changed.
Everything in here was spotless, no scratches, no uneven paint job. It infuriates me. I even tried to scratch the floor up but it still stayed scratchless. Yeah, I said scratchless, and I'm making it a word.
I was left alone with my thoughts, the scariest thing that I have ever done. Memories resurfaced from years back of when my parents were first killed, and nothing was stopping them.
When I was little, Clint and Natasha used to help me whenever I had night terrors. The night terrors would range from the night my parents were killed from me taking someone's life, sure it was on accident, but it was just as traumatic.
"Breath Rory, Breath. It's okay. I'm here, I'm here." Clint was comforting me after I had a night terror about killing his wife Laura, who had become like a mother to me. He understood what I meant because he also had similar night terrors, just not as often.
"Hey, listen. Breath, it's not real. Everyone is still alive." I nod my head and hug him, clinging on to the only thing that I know is real at the moment.
"Can we go outside and train for a little bit, or look at the stars?" The stars had always calmed me down. I used to imagine that the little stars gave me powers and that I would one day be an amazing superhero like Clint.
"Sure, what do you want to work on? Bow or knives?" he asks with a smile.
"Knives!" I shout as I rush out of bed and put on my little training suit that another man had given Clint when he first brought me to his home.
"Breath Rory, Breath. Everything will be fine." I'm hugging myself at this point, trying anything to calm me down.
"Yes, everything will be fine, especially when it goes according to the plan." A voice spoke from beyond the orange barrier.
I roll my eyes, "Go away green bean!" I would have chucked something in his direction but unfortunately, there was nothing to through and the barrier would have blocked it anyways.
Loki walks out of the shadows, "No, I don't think I will." He then makes a chair appear out of thin air and sits on it. "Now, tell me why I can't access your thoughts or memories darling."
~Peter's POV~
'Should I do it? He could be hurting Aurora right now and its all my fault... I'm doing it.'
I walk out of the lab, while putting my Spiderman mask on, I walk up to the roof. Once up there, I look down at the busy city below and get a running start on the Tower's roof. I can feel myself speed up just as I read the end before jumping off and freefalling.
The air glides in between my arms and legs as I fall from the high tower. I shot one of my webs and it caught onto a nearby building, causing me to start swinging through the air. I do this for a while until I get to the highway that leads to the nearest field.
I hop onto a bus and sit for a while, thinking about what I'm going to say to the Crazy God. "Oh, hey Loki! Yeah, I'm here to pick up my partner and best friend from you even though you might kill me." Perfect. *Note the sarcasm*
~Clint's POV~ (Your welcome 😉)
We have been trying to locate Aurora for hours, Peter has left the room probably to go and do some homework or something. ' Come on Aurora, stay strong. Please be okay.'
Ever since I picked her up from that mission years back, she has had night terrors and I've been helping her through it. Although, I am afraid of what might happen if Loki breaks her patience barrier and/or leaves her alone with her thoughts because they can get very dark very quickly.
She has told me about her dreams a couple of times, they are a lot like mine when... I shake my head to rid it of the thoughts. We don't talk about it, but hopefully she can get through this.
I begin to help scout out possible areas where Loki might be located, so far, no luck. "It's going to be alight Clint, we'll find her." Nat comforts me.
"I hope we do in time."
Goooooooood morning!!!! I hope you are having a fabulous day. Yes, I wrote this while taking finals... Anyways, can't wait to see what y'all think about this chapter! ~C0ffee_Stain

Friends with the Spider
ActionA new girl comes to the town and one day bumps into Peter. They start to go on missions together and become SHEILD agents. But what happens when a big bad god from Asgard comes down to Earth and messes with thier lives. Read the book and you'll find...