Chapter One: Hogwarts and Wool's Orphanage

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APRIL 7, 1996 – Hogwarts and Wool's Orphanage

Harry had been relieved when Dumbledore had discovered what had been truly going on about the blood quills, and had subsequently sacked Umbridge with the full support of the Wizengamot at large, leading to Minister Fudge's rather hasty resignation, for the Wizengamot had revealed that all of Umbridge's actions were happening, and approved, under his watch. In the aftermath, Harry had stood before them and, while testifying, had managed to bring up the blood wards and what the Dursleys had put him through—forcing him to live in a cupboard, starving him, making him do all the chores around the house and resorting to kidnapping him before his first-year at Hogwarts to ensure he would never attend the school.

The Wizengamot, who had now also discovered the Fudge and Umbridge had sent the Dementors themselves to Little Whinging, in an effort to keep Harry quiet about Voldemort's return, and potentially get rid of him in the process, opened an investigation about the Dursleys and, in one fell swoop, got Aurors to track down Peter Pettigrew and sentence him to life in Azkaban for his betrayal of Lily and James Potter, thus enabling Sirius to have guardianship of Harry. In the meanwhile, Remus had returned to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts for the rest of term, and potentially beyond, now that thing were looking up for werewolves in the interim. Remus was also able to apologize for his lack of action towards Severus, and the pair had formed a truce, with Remus even ordering Sirius, at wandpoint, to apologize to Severus, who did so, and the trio actually began getting along.

Harry, meanwhile, after testifying, had been summoned to Dumbledore's office, on Friday evening after dinner in the Great Hall. He was a bit reluctant to go, because of Dumbledore ignoring him virtually all year, but decided to swallow any insecurities he was having and made his way up the spiraling staircase. Stepping inside and nodding to the headmaster, Harry ventured towards Fawkes, who chirruped in greeting, and dipped his head, permitting Harry to gently pet his plumage.

"Lemon drop, Harry?"

Harry finished greeting Fawkes before turning to face the headmaster. "No, thank you, sir," he replied, moving to sit down once gestured to do so.

"With the Easter holidays fast approaching, my boy, I'm sure you're plenty excited to stay at Grimmauld Place," the headmaster said.

Harry nodded. "I am."

"The Dursleys will stand before the Wizengamot during the summer holidays, along with their son, Dudley," Dumbledore went on, and Harry raised his eyebrows. "Their guardianship of you was officially terminated early this morning."

Harry clasped his hands together. "And what does that mean, sir?"

"Well, given that Sirius's application had been filed previously, and he has been officially pardoned of any wrongdoing, including his escape from Azkaban, he is officially your guardian until you reach the age of seventeen," Dumbledore continued. "This means that you will spend all your school holidays—unless given permission by Sirius to spend it elsewhere, such as the Burrow—with Sirius at Grimmauld Place."

Harry sat back in his chair, his mind running a mile a minute. "That... That's great, sir," he said, his voice positively trembling with excitement.

Dumbledore gave him a small smile, before he sighed. "I put you in so much danger this year, Harry, as well as last year, and I cannot apologize enough for it," he said quietly. "Not to mention the ill treatment you received at the hands of your relatives."

Harry sighed. "I lived, didn't I?"

"Yes," Dumbledore acknowledged, before straightening up in his chair. "I wanted you to be the first to know, after the Board of Governors, the Wizengamot, and Professors McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick, and Snape that I am going to announce my resignation from my headmaster position at the leaving feast for the Easter holidays."

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