Chapter Five: Godric's Hollow

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OCTOBER 31, 1996 – Godric's Hollow

Harry got a letter from Sirius a week before Halloween, in which he asked his godson if he would like to accompany him to Godric's Hollow in their Animagus forms. Since the Order of the Phoenix had heard tell that Voldemort was attempting to gather some followers throughout Ireland, it was deemed safe to make the journey. On the night in question, a Thursday, Harry was relieved that his first class wasn't until nine the next morning, and he was under strict instructions to be back before ten o'clock, via special dispensation from Headmistress McGonagall, who indulged Harry's relationship with Sirius.

Harry had managed to keep his head down during potions, and had actually done the summer reading and had done little assignments that Severus had encouraged him to do, before their falling out at his sixteenth birthday party. Hermione considered partnering with Ron to be a conflict of interest, now that they were a couple, and so she now partnered with Harry, while Ron did so with Draco, as Dean, Seamus and Neville opted not to continue taking potions, as they wouldn't need it to apprentice at Quality Quidditch Supplies, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, or to Professor Sprout respectively.

Arriving in the Entrance Hall on the night in question, Harry had opted to skip the Halloween Feast that year, not feeling up to it, which would mean he would be able to spend more time with Sirius anyhow. Harry looked up as the doors opened, and Sirius strode through them, prompting Harry to dash forward, accepting his godfather's bear hug. They chatted amicably for a moment or two before Sirius arranged Harry's autumn cloak closer around his shoulders and led him outside and into the darkness.

"How have classes been going?" asked his godfather.

Harry promptly forced a smile onto his lips. "Good. Fine. Good."

Sirius looked over at Harry with a worried expression. "Moony mentioned that you've been going for tea in his rooms a lot lately..."

"Ron and Hermione have senior prefect duties," Harry explained with a shrug. "Hermione really wants to make Head Girl next year..."

Sirius nodded. "And how are you feeling, Harry?" he asked. "Want to make Head Boy?"

Harry wrapped his arms around himself; despite the cloak, there was a definite chill to the air that came with mid-autumn. "Professor McGonagall said that I can take my NEWTs in some classes at the end of the year, if I want to," he explained.

Sirius raised his eyebrows. "Which classes, Harry?"

"Erm, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, and Transfiguration," he said softly. "Neville and Luna helped me do some catch-up work during the downtime of Dumbledore's Army; Hermione too. So that was how I was able to achieve such high marks last term."

"Harry, if you took those, and received an EE or above, you could be an Auror!" Sirius crowed, clapping him enthusiastically on the back.

Harry shook his head. "I don't want to be an Auror anymore, Sirius. I really don't. Once I fulfill the prophecy, and get my NEWTs, I just want to disappear for a while..."

Sirius squeezed Harry's shoulder in sympathy. "I understand, Harry, and although an Auror is a fantastic opportunity, I certainly won't push you into anything you don't want." He hesitated for a moment as they continued walking the ground. "Do you think you'll take Headmistress McGonagall up on her offer, then?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah. Hermione had a meeting with her, too, and accepted it as well. Ron's a bit annoyed, but the headmistress told him that if he listened to Hermione and kept up with the studying, she would evaluate him again close to the testing, and would let him know her final decision on the matter."

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