Chapter Two: Hogwarts and Grimmauld Place

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APRIL 14, 1996 – Hogwarts and Grimmauld Place

Harry kept his mouth shut at the leaving feast for the Easter holidays when Dumbledore made the announcement that he was retiring. Amid the murmurs of varying emotions throughout the Great Hall, Dumbledore informed the student body that Professor McGonagall would be stepping into the headmistress position, and Professor Snape would now be known as Deputy Headmaster in her stead. His final announcement came in the form of Remus's contract being renewed for five years, so they would, at last, have a steady Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the time being.

After the feast ended, Remus swept down between the tables with a smile for Harry. "Are you ready to go, then?" he asked. "We'll be leaving out of the Floo in my private quarters."

Harry nodded his head, accepting hugs from Hermione, Ginny, and Luna who had hurried over from the Ravenclaw table, as well as claps on the back from Ron, Neville, Dean, and Seamus, the latter two had informed their friends that they were going out, while Neville looked longingly at Luna, before pulling her aside. "Yeah," Harry informed Remus as they walked along, hoping that Neville had plucked up the courage to ask Luna out. "Hermione helped me shrink my trunk before the feast."

Remus smiled. "Good," he responded as they made their way out the Great Hall and into the Entrance Hall. "I've done the same with my belongings."

"I'm glad you're staying on for a while," Harry said quietly as they went up the grand staircase and towards Remus's quarters. "It'll be nice for some consistency."

"It was a bit of a shock when Albus gave me the news but, combined with the Wolfsbane that Severus is brewing for me, and the increase in salary—plus a stipend for books, supplies, and clothing—I could hardly say no."

"I saw you speaking with Professor Snape during the feast," Harry put in as they left the staircase and moved down the correct corridor. "Is he doing all right?"

"Severus informed me of your conversation the other week, and of his owl correspondence with Sirius as well," Remus replied, waving his hand in front of his office door and stepping inside, motioning for Harry to follow, as the door snicked shut behind them. "I think it's wonderful that the two of you have mended fences, Harry. I really do."

Harry nodded at him as they moved through Remus's office and into his private quarters. "I was glad to do it."

"So was he. He seemed... Lighter, almost," Remus mused as he brought up the fire and brought down the Floo Powder and held it for a moment. "He also mentioned that you had an idea of where another Horcrux was, and that, not only were you correct, but you found it."

"So, you know about them, then?" Harry asked.

Remus nodded. "I do, yes."

"Who else knows?" Harry whispered.

"Other than Albus, Severus, yourself, and myself, Moody, Kinglsey, Sirius, Amelia Bones, Albus's brother Aberforth, Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout, and...erm, Tonks," said Remus, flushing a bit at her name.

Harry grinned. "You like her, don't you?"

Remus sighed. "Well, yes, but..."

"Then do something about it," Harry urged him. "She's clearly smitten with you."

Remus shook his head. "Harry, really. I won't force her into a life of..."

Harry put his hands on his hips. "A life of what? Happiness? Love?"

"A life of not much money, a life of danger, a life of—"

"First of all, the pair of you are gainfully employed," Harry replied smartly, and Remus sighed at that. "Second of all, Tonks is an Auror; she faces danger every day on the job, especially now that Voldemort is back. And third, again, she's a bloody Auror, Remus—you have to be really smart to get a job like that, not to mention really talented. I'm sure you could figure out how to balance everything out."

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