Chapter Eight: Hogwarts

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JUNE 30, 1997 – Hogwarts

Many proctors had come from the all over the Wizarding World to oversee the exams that Harry, Ron, and Hermione would be taking that day. It was the final day of sixth-year, and while the rest of their class was likely preparing for the leaving feast by partying in their common rooms, strolling on the school grounds, or preparing for the next year, while the Golden Trio would be sequestered in various unused classrooms throughout the school to take their NEWTs. Professor Vector was handling Advanced Arithmancy; Professor Babbling was watching over Ancient Runes; Hagrid was taking care of Care of Magical Creatures; Professor Flitwick was overseeing Charms; Remus was in charge of Defense Against the Dark Arts; Professor Sprout was managing Herbology; Bill, on loan from Gringotts, was supervising History of Magic; Dora had stepped in to take care of Magical Theory; Horace Slughorn was conducting Potions; and Sirius was going over Transfiguration.

Harry tried not to grin, and had managed to be moderately successful, in the weeks following Easter, whenever he saw the ruby ring glinting on Hermione's finger. He, Draco, Ginny, Neville, and Luna had commandeered an Extendable Ear from Fred and George (not telling them what it was for) and had cast a Disillusionment Charm upon it before attaching it via a Sticking Charm to Ron's shoulder. It was an annoying several minutes that followed, but the long-drug out conclusion was that Hermione, in quick succession, had burst into tears, thrown her arms around Ron (nearly dislodging the ear in the process), and happily accepted his marriage proposal. Even though it had only been eight months since the pair of them had become an official couple, Ron assured Hermione that he wouldn't mind a long engagement, which made Hermione cry even harder at the notion that he was supporting her dream to attend Oxford.

Harry did his best to use his time in between Easter and the final day of term to study for his NEWTs, knowing that he would have plenty of time, given that the essays for each class were due a week beforehand, and then they would have all the practical's in one day. For Charms class, they had to produce their Patronus Charms, and, quite soon, a black wolf, Jack Russell terrier, and an otter were running about the classroom, with the wolf howling, the terrier barking, and the otter squeaking.

"Blimey, Harry!" Ron said afterwards. "I didn't know your Patronus changed!"

Harry flushed. "Yeah, it changed right before my last birthday..."

"It may be because Harry is advancing in the Wizarding World, Ron, and he's differentiating himself from his dad. No offense, Harry," said Hermione quickly, looking over at him, not wanting to upset him for losing Prongs.

Harry shook his head at her; he wasn't quite ready to tell her the real reason behind it. "None taken," he assured her.

For Defense Against the Dark Arts, Remus had Harry transform into his Animagus, and Harry strutted about proudly in his black wolf form, much to Remus's amusement. Harry transformed back into his human form again flawlessly, and Remus congratulated him profusely. It was to Remus's shock, however, when two leopards appeared just beside Harry, with Ron's yawning and Hermione's ears twitching.

"They call themselves Ruaidhri and Morena," Harry explained proudly.

Once Remus had successfully recovered him his shock, and Ron and Hermione had turned back into their human forms, Remus applauded them both and assured them that they had both done very well. He then admonished them briefly for not allowing someone in to assist them both in their transformations, but Hermione was quick to wave him off, letting Remus know that Headmistress McGonagall had been supervising them at every turn. Remus, satisfied with this, decided it best to move on from this topic and drop it.

For Herbology, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been instructed to give a presentation based on a plant of their choice. It was long and terribly boring, but, thankfully, they had already handed in their essays on the subject. When it came time for History of Magic, Bill instructed them to study a law in their textbook and then give an oral report on why the law was still considered efficient in the Wizarding World, or if it should be done away with. In Potions, the Golden Trio had to brew a perfect Draught of Peace each, and Harry merely kept his fingers crossed that the entire ordeal was worth a passing mark. And, finally, in Transfiguration, Sirius had them give oral reports on what Animagi were considered beneficial to the Wizarding World.

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