chapter 1

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It's been 6 days since the incident at the school happened. Not much has happened except Stacy's parents grounded her for life and took her to her aunts house for the rest of the semester. Oh and my lovely mother thought it would be a great idea to send me to some rebellious boarding school for "bad kids". Like come on mom i aint bad im just not prefect.

"Brooke are you almost done packing." My mom yells from downstairs, her voice echoing through the whole house. "yes mom almost done." i grab my laptop and finish packing the rest of the cloths ill be needing for the school. its not like ill be needing a lot since we have dress code there.

i grab my suitcase and bookbag and walk out my room down to the living room. "are you ready kiddo." oh yea mom im ready to spend the rest of the semester at a random school and new people. "i guess, how far away is this boarding school anyways." we began to get in the car and i say good bye to sprinkles before i leave.

"we have about a four hours drive ahead of us and this school is called kalewood high." Even the name sounds stupid. I put in my airpods and drift away to the music until we arrive to this k something high.


As we get closer and closer all i see is trees and a little town with barely any body around. I see a sign saying were 3 miles away and the excitement in my body is through the roof. Sarcasm right there.

We finally arrive at the school and there's a big gate we go through before we are at the front of the school. As we park, i grab my bags and my mom helps me and we go inside to the main office to settle me in. 

"Welcome, you must be brooke Peterson I've heard so much about you." this old man looks like he could've been in the movie back to the future. i simply shake my head at him and look at my mom.

"Ok sweetie well this is it. ill make sure to come visit you next weekend and see how your settling in. please don't be difficult this could be a great opportunity for you." I hug my mom and say my goodbyes and watch her leave through the big doors. Now its just me and this old man. Yeah.

As the old man gives me a tour of the basics we meet back at his office so he could give me my schedule and my dorm assignment. "Ok so brooke, for your classes you will take basic algebra, you language arts class and your history and science class will be joined together. Usually for the new students we try to get them in extra circulars as in our swim team, chess, football, book club, lacrosse, track and pother stuff like that." Out of all the words this dude said all i heard was lacrosse.

"Did you say lacrosse" is said with a little excitement.

"Yes i did indeed are you interested?" i simply stare at him and shake my head aggressively. "ok then well sign you up right away and ill get you the practice schedule."  As he finished up my schedule he takes me to the other side of the school towards the dorms.

"Hear you will find the girls dorm area. Your dorm will be part of the ravens section. Every month we have each dorm sections come out to the playing field and compete in many challenging teamwork game to earn the stick of wisdom. which is just bragging rights but you kids love that." I started to laugh a little cause i did love bragging rights and loved being competitive.

"Is there any questions until i set you off to your dorm to settle in?" i start to look around and see that there is different colors on the hallway entries.

"what are the different colors for on the framing" i point to the ceiling. "oh those colors are to split the males and females apart. Red and black for male and Pink and white for female." Of course the girls is pink. i murmur under my breath.

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