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"Hurry up Brooke, the alarms should go off any minute now." I heard Stacy say starting to panic from the other side of the main hallway. She never gives me enough time to actually go all out, but this should do.

"I'm coming don't you worry." I start to climb down the ladder and throw down all the spray cans to Stacy. As I jump from the middle of the ladder onto the floor I look up at my masterpiece and take it all in.

"So, what do you think" I say nudging on Stacy's shoulder. "I think that this will definitely show the boys lacrosse team not to mess with us." We both start smirking and gather up all the stuff before we leave. as we began to exit the main hallway to the back of the buildings were Chris was waiting for us with the truck, I see a security guard guarding the exit with his flashlights shining right at us.

"Run Brooke, RUN." It didn't take me another thought to do as stacy said. We both start bolting down the main hallway then upstairs to hide in the library. "Phew you think we lost them?"

"I have no clue, lets hope we did cause if we get caught you know that's the end for me." Oh yes my mother would murder me if I got caught doing graffiti again. Her exact words were "Brooke Marie Peterson, one more mischievous outbreak of yours and we are sending you away, why can't you just draw on paper or something." So yea i'm kinda on thin ice with my mother right now.

We have been sitting here for about 5 min and still no sign of any guards or key rattling. "Ok I think its safe we just need to go back downstairs and make a run for it to the backdoor." Stacy looks at me as if it were that easy. "Just follow close behind me." I take another look to make sure I don't see any guards and the ghost is clear. I motion my hand to let Stacy know to follow me.

"Why is it whenever you have a plan and i'm with you something always goes wrong." I hear stacy say behind me. "No it doesn't. We did what we came here to do and just had a little delay at the end no biggy." I come to a stop before we go out to the open in the main hallway. I still don't see a guard so we book it down till we reach the door.

Oh you got to be kidding me. As we walk out to the parking lot I don't see Chris or the car any where. That little baby bailed once he seen the guard. I knew he wasn't ready for the job as get away driver.

"What the hell were is he." I can hear stacy start to panic behind me. "Stace clam down everything is ok we just have to go back to the other side of the school and escape threw the woods." I turn around and start running down the hall for the third time tonight.

"I swear imma kill chris when I see him again." I never heard stacy talk like that. You go girl. "And that's exactly why you cant count a man to do anything." I say still walking down the dark empty hallway. One more turn and were out to freedom and get to watch the precious looks on the boys faces tomorrow. Oh what sweet revenge.

"Brooke what was that?" I turn around to see the same security guard sprinting towards us talking to someone on the radio. Oh you have to be kidding me. Again. Me and stacy look at each other and book it down the hallway out the side doors.

"Run stacy were almost to the woods." Right as we reach the end of the parking lot 4 police vehicles come swarming from left and right and corner us before we could make it to the woods. Shit.

"Put your hands in the air." One of the police say. Me and stacy both drop our bags and continue to raise our hands in the air. As I continue to look at the police officer I see a familiar face behind him. Omg. Trenton morse. My rival or as his side hoes like to call him the hottest man alive. Also the captain of the boys lacrosse team and the main reason im doing this whole act tonight.

The police start to handcuff us and sit us down by there police cruisers while they search us up in there fancy car computers. As I look over at stacy Trenton begins to walk over here. Oh the nerves this dude has.

"Oh hey brooke its nice seeing you here tonight" Trenton says with a smirk of gratitude on his face. "Oh Trenton what are the odds." I gave the same smirk to him.

"You know if you wanted to get back at me and the boys why not just take our sticks or something. not spray paint take the L boys on our mascot statue and draw a penis on it. Or did you have to get back at us with a big boom. Lets face it brooke I  will always be better and one step ahead of you." He began to walk away.

"What do you mean one step ahead of me? Did you know what we were doing tonight." I say as anger is showing threw my face. "Well of course silly how else did you think the security guards got here so fast." Oh he was so lucky I was handcuffed right now or he would be on the ground.

"You little-" he cuts me off

"Oh brooke is that the way to talk to your rival. I thought we were closer than this." Trenton begins to laugh. "Just wait till I see you again I swear I wont go easy on you Trenton Morse"

"Calm down there firecracker. i had to do what had to be done. i couldn't just let you humiliate me and the boys like that. but enough is enough i hope you have fun in jail brooke oh and btw you should've put more into the spray painting." Trenton walks off laughing like he just one the battle. but what he doesn't know is it just started.

"ok you two lets go and take you to your parents." The police officer says as he grabs me and Stacy and puts us in the car. oh shit. my mom is going to kill me.

                                 Authors notes

Yesss, we did it guys!! Sorry for the short chapter I will make them longer threw out the book. I still can't believe I actually finished a chapter. But it seems like Brooke is seeking for revenge but what did Trenton do exactly? What will her mom do? And what will happen to Stacy? Ohhh so much is going on. I hope you guys have enjoyed the first chapter and pls continue reading. This book will only get better. Don't forget to message me if you have any questions or suggestions for the book. Xoxo

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