"This is it, the moment we wipe those smirks off there faces. Tonight we have to work as a team and make good plays out there." First time me being a captain and im giving a hype speech. Im kinda loving this. The girls all cheer when im done talking. "Put your hands in the middle, 1,2,3 Go girls ravens." We all get our gear and head to the field.
On the defense side we have riley, Bree and Hannah in there positions along with the goalie Emma. Then we have the middies in the middle which are Lilly, Emilie and sky. Sky will be starting of with the ball. Then we have the attackers with me on the offense side amber to my left and Heisley to my right. I see Trenton on the other side and he's one of there middies and so is jayden. Miles is there goalie
The ref is now on the field and sky and Trenton are facing each other. The ref holds a number in his hand behind his back and tells sky to pick one or two. She picks one and we get the ball first.
The whistle blows.
Sky has the ball and is running down the field. She passes it to Lilly which then passes it to Heisley. She is running towards the goal and attempts the shot. Miles stops it and throws it to Trenton. Hannah is a damn good defense men so when Trenton runs to her and he attempts to make the shot she gets the ball from him and throws it to sky. She passes it to me. I have the ball and im running full speed down the field. One of there defensemen attempts to get it from me but i dodge them and continue running. The goal is Infront of me and miles is determined to stop the ball. I whip my arm back and fake the shot. Miles falls for it and i throw it the opposite corner if the goal.
The score is now 1-0. The crowd is screaming and my teammates run up to me and congratulate me on the shot. I look down the field and catch Trenton looking at me. Wasn't expecting that were you.
Once again we are all in our positions this time Trenton starts with the ball. Trenton rushed down the field. Ill give it to him he's fast as hell. He passes it to one of the boys attackers and makes the shot. Damn it. the crowd is cheering even more. The game is tied.
We have the ball. Emilie is running down the filed this time and attempts the pass to amber but one of the defensemen on the boys team snatch it. I see sky running up to him and trying to get the ball away but he slides out and passes it to jayden. Hannah is the closes to jayden so she will have to guard him. Jayden is trapped in the corner and has no one to throw it to. Hannah swings her stick and tries to get the ball but jayden pushed threw and throws Hannah on the ground.
The ref blows his whistle. "Personal foul on the boys for unnecessary roughness." The boys are throwing there hands in the air. "Hannah you good" I scream across the field. She holds up her thumb and gets back up.
Hannah gets the ball since the foul was for her. The ref blows the whistle and Hannah throws it to sky. Sky is getting circled by the 3 attackers and she has no room to throw it. So i go in and wave her to throw it to the right. She does and one of the guys catch on were both running for the ball now. He's pretty fast but im faster. I snatch the ball and start running to the goal. The goal is surrounded by the defense so i pass it to amber. Amber runs but one of the defensemen trap her in the corner i wave my stick to let her know to throw it to me. But she doesn't.
Amber tries to get pass the defenseman but steps out of the line. That's a foul on us. The coach calls for a timeout. "What the hell amber i was open." I say to amber from across the field. She shakes her head. "I had it and if i threw it to you, you would've dropped it. So i was doing you a favor." Amber walks off the field to go get a drink. Of course this bitch thinks she better than everyone.
All the girls walk of the field to meet coach. "Girls come on. The games tied but they have the ball. We need to be making smart plays here and be a team. Amber brooke was clearly open but you didn't pass it to her. Emma you need to step up and don't let a single ball get pass you." Everyone's quiet as the ref blows his whistle to tell us to get back to the field. "Ok ladies you got this."

Bad and Beautiful
RomanceBrooke Peterson- the girl every guy wants to be with and every girl wants to be her. What happens when no good Brooke and her mischievous ways get her put in a boarding school made for the bad. Will she survive knowing the guy that put her in this...