chapter 3

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First day of classes. yippie. The part of this new life I've been dreading. Its only 6 am and I don't even have to be up for a whole other hour. So as the simple teenage gurl i am i simply go back to bed.

Its now 7:30 am and Hannah is also up this time getting her uniform on and doing her hair and makeup. As Hannah is all ready im still staring at this uniform. Like am i really going to wear this.

"Who's right mind would wear thus thing for fashion." I say as heading to the bathroom with my things to get ready. "What do you mean i think its cute. It shows off my curves." of course she like's the outfits. I get the uniform on and i look like one of those lepricon people playing that piano pushy thing.

"This is terrible." Hannah looks at me and starts dyeing. I don't really see what's funny here but haha. "First off you got it on backswords." I look down at my pants and see the tag on the front. Well this is just going great. I quickly put the uniform on right, put my hair up in a messy bun and grab my books for my classes.

Me and Hannah grab our keys and head out the dorm and go to the dining hall to meet sky. Today we take the elevator down cause why not. As soon as we get down to the dining hall we see sky waiting for us in our normal spot. I tell Hannah to go save me a seat while i go get fruity pebbles.

"WHAT THE FUCK." I yell as i see no more fruity pebbles on the cart. Damn i really wanted some of those.

"Hey firecracker." Nope not today i grab a banana and walk to the table were Hannah and sky are sitting.

"Girl what's wrong with you." sky says as she eats her fruit loops. At least she got her favorite cereal. "No more fruity pebbles." i say crossing my arms and pouting. "Aww does poor brooke not have her morning routine food. You poor thing." I flip her off and we all start laughing. "Not to bring down your mood or anything but i think someone is stalking you." Hannah tilts her head back to the food cart and Trenton is standing there. WITH THE LAST BOWL OF FRUITY PEBBLES. That asshole.

As I ignore him and start talking to the girls about our class schedules hear comes mr fruity pebble stealer.

"Hey Hannah, sky... Brooke." Trenton says smirking eating the cereal that I should be enjoying right now. "Hey Trenton." sky says. Please just go away already. why is he just standing there. "so brooke i noticed that you were looking for idk maybe fruity pebbles early." I swear if he says one more word about hose fruity pebbles imma drowned him in them. "i was going to save you the last bowl but i just couldn't help my self. I hope you understand." He has the audacity to keep eating them Infront of me.

"Your totally fine Trenton. I come to realize you need them way more than me any ways. You know since your still growing and all. Food also helps with your brain to. So maybe you can actually be smart for once." Boom Trenton. He simply stares at me and walks away and THROWS AWAY THE FRUITY PEBBLES. THAT DEVIL.

"So what's up with you and Trenton." Hannah ask. "What do you mean."

"Oh come on brooke anyone can see it from a mile away. You guys fight like an old married couple." um excuse me first off i aint old. If we need to talk about old lets talk about the old man professor. Second off. A MARRIED WHAT NOW. Umm yea but no ill pass. "Well you know how i told you what i did to get in this school." the girls shake there head yes. "Well i wouldn't of got caught if it wasn't for Trenton snitching. He was the one who called the damn police in the first place."

"Oh damn, yea i would be pissed to. But if you got in trouble and he didn't do anything that night why does he go hear." Sky ask confused. "That i cant answer. Cause i have no idea. But enough talk about that dick who has Language arts next." Hannah and sky both look at there schedules and shake there head. Damn first class of the day and i have it alone.

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