chapter 2

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I got up pretty early this morning and Hannah was still asleep. So as a good roomie i let her be and went down to the dining hall to grab some breakfast. I got me a apple with some fruity pebbles the best cereal ever created. I took a seat near a window that showed the whole court yard while i ate.

"Excuse me but who are you." This blonde girl came up to me with looked like 2 minions by her side on there phone looking down at me like i just killed there cat. "You are sitting in my spot." she says with a bark.

"Yea well im brooke and i was hear first so go find somewhere else to sit." I said as i turned back around and continued eating my fruity pebbles. I thought i got rid of her but this bitch knocked all my books off the table and that's when i had enough.

"ok listen her little miss nobody. I don't give a damn who you are and i simply don't care enough to ask. So if you will pick up my books that you rudely threw and let me eat in piece that will be perfect. Please and thank you." yea well i don't think she was listening to me cause she turned to her minions and started talking to them like i couldn't hear.

"Since your new hear i take it, ill let you off with a warning. But take this as a note. Don't sit in my spot and don't talk back to me got it." Who does this girl think she is. The Queen of Kalewood. Yea but no. I already had enough of her so I simply shock my head and watched them leave. What a bitch.

After i got done eating i went outside and took a walk to explore a little more before lacrosse practice. The scenery was pretty nice. You had big trees every were you looked, pretty flowers, and you had some good looking guys hear so that's a plus. I was getting pretty far from the school soi began to turn back but as i was doing so, something had came flying at my head and knocked me to the ground.

"Shit, shit, shit"

"Wtf miles, what did I tell you about going long, you know you cant catch that damn far yet."

"Shut up dude"

I was still on the ground and all i could hear was these two idiots arguing about going long. "What the fuck." I groan as i began to get up. Finally one of them grabs me from behind and lifts me to my feet. I look around to see who witnessed me fall on my ass and of course. All eyes are on me.

"Look im sorry um." he looks confused and nervous so i help him out a little. "Brooke" i say with my hand on my head. "Brooke. what a sexy name for a sexy girl." Yup i had enough with this situation. i began to walk away until the same dude comes up to me and yells something.

"Hey broke wait, my names miles." he says as he holds out his hand. Oh please tell me he doesn't want me to shake his hand. Yup he most surely does. i shake his hand back and yank my hand away real quick.

"Im sorry about that i swear i didn't see you but im glad i do now." He says as he smirks. This dude definitely doesn't know how to win over a girl. 

"sure, well i would love to sit here all day and chat miles is it" he shakes his head. "But i got to get back to my dorm and get ready for lacrosse practice so if you'll please excuse me." He moves out of the way and lets me walk.

"Damn she's sexy as fuck and play lacrosse. I think we got a winner here." I hear him say to his buddy as i simply am running back to my dorm now.


Finally back at my dorm. Shit. My key card, it must of fell out while I got knocked down earlier. I start pounding on my door and start praying that Hannah is still in there and hasn't left. But nope today just isn't on my side. First you got the bitch from breakfast, then the dumbass from the courtyard, and now i get locked out of my dorm on my second day. Guess ill just have to go down to the office an get a spare.

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