I'm following Hannah through the house and im wondering what the fuck this retard got himself into this time. She leads me outside were i see casey and this buff ass dude squaring up to each other. You got to be kidding me.
Trenton and Hannah are coming up behind me and sky is sitting on the side trying to tell casey to stop being stupid.
"Casey what the fuck dude what are you doing." I step in between him and the other dude before anything else can happen. "This dickhead was looking at my gurl. MY GURL." Omg he's already obsessed. "Dude I wasn't even looking at her." Casey dead stares at him and tries to throw a punch but misses.
Trenton goes up to casey and holds his arms so he can't do anything he regrets.
I look over at sky who looks likes she's about to cry. "Sky you ok." She shakes her head and starts laughing. This gurl is defiantly drunk af. "Bruh let them fight i got my bets on casey." i look at her. "Girl come on have you seen the other dude.
I grab a hold of sky's arm with the strength i have left in my body and sit her down on the chair. Trenton grabs casey and takes him inside to cool off.
"Im sorry about him." I say to the dude that was about to destroy casey. He looks rather nice at least i hope so. "It's alright, Just keep him leashed up or something." What leashed up. "He ain't no fucking dog." I snap back and then he turns back around. "Well then tell pretty boy to stay the fuck out of the way and he sure does need girls to take care of him now don't he." Girls? What is that suppose to mean. I ain't letting that slide
I take a cup of cold water from one of the tables and dump it all over the dude. Everyone gasp as the dude is drenched in water. "Oh im sorry it must of slipped. You know how girls can be." The dude walks away in anger as i throw the cup back down.
Jayden comes up out of know were and grabs my arms before i fall. I think i drunk a little to much tonight. As jayden and now Hannah are both carrying me inside. Trenton comes our way with casey. "I think we should go we got some drunkies tonight." Trenton says with a soft smile looking at me then casey.
We go and get sky and we all head to the car.
Hannah and jayden are passed out in the back along with casey and sky. Trenton is driving since well it's his car and he only had one drink tonight.
Damn im fucking freezing. I can feel goosebumps start to form my body and i curl in a ball. Before i know it i feel something being put over my body. I look over and Trenton took off his jacket and threw it around me. Ok well that was nice. SEE THERE HE IS BEING WEIRD AGAIN.
As the jacket is now fully around my body i start to drift to sleep. The last thing i hear is the snoring of Casey sounding like a damn hippo.
*The morning*
Fuck my head is pounding. I look over at my clock and see its 12pm. Damn I slept in late. I look over and Hannah ain't in her bed. She must of woke up early and left. I get up and run to the restroom because my guts feel like there coming out.
After i get done throwing up for 15 damn min I look at my phone and see that there's 6 missed calls from sky and 3 from Hannah. Um ok. I decide to call them back.
"Brooke were are you practice is about to start." Practice WHAT.
"I thought it was later." I say starting to panic.
"Coach sent out emails Friday saying were doing it earlier due to the weather."
"Fuck then I'll be down in a minute." I hang up the phone and try to find my gear.
Were is it.
Im looking everywhere and i can't find my stick. The main thing i need. I look in the closet the bathroom and god who knows where else. I look on my bed and I see something. I pick it up and it's a jacket. TRENTONS JACKET. How the hell did this end up in here. I throw the jacket back down and i see my stick on my bed. Why is it on my bed i have no clue.

Bad and Beautiful
RomanceBrooke Peterson- the girl every guy wants to be with and every girl wants to be her. What happens when no good Brooke and her mischievous ways get her put in a boarding school made for the bad. Will she survive knowing the guy that put her in this...