Roadside Assistance

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Your car made a noise you didn't even know was possible to make. While that might have seemed a tad concerning, you didn't give it much thought as your car still drove fine. Yeah, there might have been a few lights on the dashboard, but you viewed them more as suggestions to do something later.

You happily continued towards your destination, singing along to a song on the radio, when your car decided to stop working. The entire machine seemed to shut off, causing panic to rise up. It was kind enough to at least give you enough momentum to pull off to the side of the road.

A few choice words spilled out of your mouth as you tried and failed to restart your car. You looked up and saw you were in the middle of nowhere, stranded midday in the California heat.

A sensible thing would have been to call a tow truck, but something about being stuck in a vehicle with a stranger didn't sit right with you. So, you did the next best thing and started calling your teammates to see if one of them would be kind enough to come and save you.

You started with Rooster and prayed your mustached friend was by his phone. Luck didn't seem to be on your side as you were met with his voicemail. The same went for nearly every other person on your team until you were left with one number.

You couldn't exactly fault them. It was the team's one Saturday off and everyone was taking advantage of it. Something you were in the middle of doing until your car decided it wanted to be dramatic today.

The thought to take your chances with a tow truck came back up as you debated on calling the last number. Even if he did answer, you know you would never hear the end of it.

Who knew how close the nearest shop was and thinking about either trying to make small talk with a stranger or being stuck in an awkward silence, sent shivers down your spine. So, you dialed the number and prayed he wasn't in his normal, annoying mood.

"Seresin." He answered on the second ring, catching you completely off guard at the quickness of it.

"Umm, hi. Yeah, it's me. Look I wouldn't be calling unless it was a near emergency, and it seems like no one has a phone today. But I'm stuck on the side of the road and need someone to come get me." You tapped your fingers nervously on the steering wheel as you quickly explained what was going on.

"Side of the road? Are you okay? What happened?" The urgency in his voice made you freeze. Hangman didn't care about anything but the brand of hair gel he uses. Which led to you asking, "Are you drunk?"

An exasperated sigh was your answer. "No, Y/N. I'm as sober as a judge. No can you tell me what's going on?"

Your eyebrows furrowed at the saying but answered him anyway. "My car broke down on the way to this beach and it won't start."

There was a long pause, "And you called me?" You threw your hands up in the air, knowing he couldn't see your reaction.

"As I previously stated, no one else answered. I also don't want to call a tow truck for personal reasons. Can you help or do I need to start walking?" You tried not to sound irritated at him, but the heat was starting to get to you.

"Yeah, not a problem. Send me your location and I'll be there as soon as I can. Are your hazard lights on?" You looked down at your car and started trying to find them.

"Uh, yeah." You didn't miss the chuckle on the other end of the line, letting you know he caught your lie.

"I'll be there shortly. Don't get out of your car until I get there." You gave him a hum in response and hung up. After a few more minutes of searching, you held your fist up in victory as you found your hazard lights.

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