Party Gone Wrong

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Parties were something that was all too common at your university and the one thing you like to fit into your busy schedule when you could. Most of the time it was at some big house that belonged to a sorority or fraternity, but occasionally someone with money would throw one when their parents were gone for the weekend. Either way, it was normally a good time.

This particular night, the party was at some frat house which meant things could easily get out of hand but would most likely be a memorable night.

You enjoyed the carefree atmosphere as you closed your eyes and danced to the beat of the music. People were all around you, having the time of their lives, no one caring who was who and simply wanted to let loose. It was nights like these that reminded you how much you enjoyed coming out. You could put away all the stress of studying and the worries of life in general and get lost in the feeling of pure bliss.

Your body started to feel a bit lighter as you noticed the shots you took earlier were starting to take effect. Making sure you never over did it, you knew to wait a bit before taking another. Getting an earful from your brother about being too drunk in a public place wasn't something you needed to hear. Bradley was always a bit overbearing.

Music blared through the house, and it was getting crowded to the point where it almost felt more like a club than someone's home. You looked around for your friend you came with and saw she was tangled with some random guy in a corner. She did warn you before you both left that she was looking to forget her ex. And it seemed like she was exceeding her own expectations.

Your thoughts were interrupted as someone bumped into the back of you, causing you to be thrown forward. Between the shots and darkened room, you nearly crashed into the floor if it wasn't for a pair of hands catching you.

In any other situation, you would be beyond thankful for whoever it was to stop your embarrassing fall. You had read enough romance novels that your mind naturally went into prince charming mode and wanted nothing more than to fall for the guy who saved you.

But one glance at your savior and all of that was thrown out the window. This guy had a smile that practically screamed "I'm your worst nightmare" and you knew you needed to get away from him fast. He helped you back onto your feet and you gave him the most forced smile you could come up with.

"Thanks for that. Was almost bad." Maybe keeping your sentences short would get the message across that you weren't looking to continue the conversation.

"No worries, beautiful. How about you thank me by coming to get a drink with me?" You've been around enough cocky guys to know which ones are all talk, and which ones would actually do something. And sadly, this one would no doubt take matters into his own hands if you pissed him off. Which is why you felt yourself starting to panic already.

It wasn't lost on you that your one friend you came with was occupied and you had zero other people you could look to for help. This guy almost seemed to know this and took a step towards you, causing you to instinctively take one back.

"Thank you for the offer, but I have to get going. I could give you my number though for a rain check?" Your voice came out strong for how nervous you truly were, but it didn't seem to fool the creep in front of you. He looked ready to pounce if you took another step away from him.

"What's one drink?" One drink could be the beginning of the end for you. Who knew what this guy had in store, and you needed to leave. But how? Your mind wondered back to your brother and thought if you could hold out another 20 minutes, it would give Bradley enough time to get here.

So, going against every nerve in your body that told you to run, you gave him a flirty smile back. "You're right. My paper can wait a little while longer. Would you be okay if I freshen up first?"

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