Stood Up. Picked Up.

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It wasn't often you had the free time for a date, let alone a guy who would give you the time of day. Being a Top Gun pilot had most guys turning their heads at a girl who could hang with the best. Which made for a very dry love life.

Phoenix had the same problem and joked if things kept going the way they were, the two of you would date. Something you had given some thought to once or twice. At least she would treat you right. But you knew her, and Rooster were dancing around each other these days. It was only a matter of time before one of them grew a pair and made the first move.

The excitement had slowly started to die down when the time kept ticking and you were alone at the restaurant your date previously agreed on. You tried to blame the military for making you not only on time, but fifteen minutes early. These past years in the Navy had taught you to never be late or you will be running until you puke.

Which then carried over into your personal life, thus making you wait for other people. But five minutes late quickly turned into thirty and soon enough you were grabbing your purse heading out the door.

It almost felt like a walk of shame with the people around you throwing pity stares your way. The hostess gave you a sympathetic smile on the way out, but you didn't have it in you to be friendly back. The embarrassment of the situation swiftly transformed into anger and the only thing on your mind was having one too many drinks at the Hard Deck.

The place was crowded as usual, but it wasn't hard to find a seat at the bar. Most of the patrons were playing pool, darts, or attempting to dance to whatever was playing on the juke box. You heard a few voices from the Top Gun pilots that were stationed here with you, but you hoped and prayed they stayed on the other side of the bar.

Penny did a double take when she saw you. The pilot she had come to love was not in her uniform but a simple red sundress. A sight she knew she wouldn't get to see much of. The smile she wore quickly vanished when she realized how upset you looked.

A glass of whiskey was set out in front of you, and you mumbled a quick "thank you" to the ever so lovely bar owner. You didn't waste time and threw the glass back with one gulp and placed the empty glass back down.

"Want to tell me about it?" Penny was just trying to help which is why you gave her a very short run down.

"Had a date that didn't show up. Now I'm here trying to forget about it." You glanced up at her and saw a look of understanding.

"I'll keep them coming. Just make sure you find a ride home." You nodded your head because it was all you could do. If worse comes to worse, you'll call a cab and have Phoenix drive you back in the morning.

A few more drinks in and you could finally start to feel the anger fade away. That along with any other feelings at the moment. You felt someone sit at the bar next to you, but you were too focused on the half drank drink in front of you.

"Never in my life would I have expected to see you dressed like that." The southern drawl told you exactly who it was before giving them a glance.

"Yeah, well soak it all in now. Because it for sure isn't happening again." You didn't see the concern Hangman had over that statement. Instead, you finished off your drink and grabbed some money out of your purse to pay for the drinks.

"Don't go leaving on my account." You lazily turned your head towards him, "Don't feel like getting into it with you tonight. I've had enough irritation in the last few hours to last a lifetime."

Everyone knew the two of you didn't exactly get along. He was always doing whatever he could to be the best while you solely believed in teamwork. The two of you just didn't mesh well and it was no one's fault. Well, maybe his.

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