One of Those Days

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A/N: Thank you all so much for reading. Sorry I have been slower to post. A new job has kept me busy. This one is short than most but I wanted to get something out there for you! Inbox is open for requests, questions, or to say hello! If you have requested something, know that it is being worked on!


Today was one of those days where the world was too loud. Jake's alarm going off that morning was the first indication that today wasn't going to be one of your best days. Hell, it wasn't even going to be mediocre, but you didn't want to jump straight to that conclusion.

The alarm that seemed to be yelling at the top of its lungs, had you reaching deep down to not get on to Jake first thing in the morning. You rolled over and threw the pillow over your head, praying sleep would find you again. But you had this feeling you weren't going to be that lucky.

A swift slam of the front door signaled Jake had left for work and you were now alone to deal with whatever your head threw at you.

The day dragged on and you were slowly spiraling. The cars that drove by your house seemed as if they were driving through your front lawn. The beeping on the microwave pierced your ears, making you drop your glass cup on the floor. The shards of glass scraping the ground as you swept them sounded like nails on a chalk board. And the pounding of your heart soon became the only thing you could hear. The steady thumping swallowed you whole and no matter what you did, you couldn't lessen the sound.

The world was too loud and there was nothing you could do about it.

You don't know when or how it happened, but you were sitting on the kitchen floor, knees pulled to your chest. The front door slammed but it seemed so far away, being drowned out by the beating of your heart. You vaguely registered hands on your face and the sound of a voice you knew too well.

"Hey darlin'. I need you to slow your breathing down for me." Their thumbs lightly brushed your cheeks in a slow, rhythmic manner. It was almost like your body knew to respond to him, because your breathing started to even out.

"Atta girl. Keep doing that for me. Just a little longer." The voice seemed to pull you in and wrap you in a sense of comfort. It was something you didn't know you needed but were so damn happy to have it. The sound of your heart beating dulled to a whisper, and you could feel the tears of happiness start to form.

Your glassy eyes lifted to the person in front of you and were met with a warm smile.

"There she is. You feeling a bit better?" Jake was knelt in front of you, uniform still on and worry notable around his eyes. While he held a smile for you, you knew this man too well.

"Yeah, just a rough day." Your voice came out barely above a whisper and neither of you were convinced you were doing anything close to "better".

"You want to talk about it?" How were you supposed to explain that your mind decided everything around you were too much? That the sensory overload which stem from literally nothing, caused you to shut down?

So, you shook your head. "I just want to go to bed."

Jake looked you over for a few seconds and nodded his head. "I was thinking an early night as well. How about breakfast for dinner and in bed?" He helped you off the ground and wrapped an arm around your waist. You reactively melted into his touch and nodded your head.

"Pancakes?" You felt his chest rumble with laughter.

"Is that even a question? We can have whatever you want. But be warned, the pancakes will have chocolate chips in them." You couldn't help the smile that formed. Jake knew you didn't eat pancakes without the chocolate chips. That was one of many things you didn't have to remind him of.

He helped you get comfy in bed and gave you a quick kiss on the top of your head. "Don't go falling asleep on me before I get back with the food."

"Thank you, Jake." He gave you a wink and walked out of the room.


The next morning you were woken up to a frantic Jake. You rolled over and saw him rushing to put his uniform on while cursing under his breath. While the sight was slightly amusing, it worried you that your normally put together boyfriend seemed to be on the verge of a meltdown.

"What's going on?" Your voice made him jump and he hit his elbow on the wall behind him.

"Running a bit behind this morning." You glanced over to the clock and saw it was 15 minutes past the time he was supposed to leave.

"What happened?" You sat up in bed trying to wake up enough to have this conversation.

"I didn't hear my alarm go off." As he said those words, you realized you didn't hear it go off either.

"That's strange. I feel like I always hear it. Is your phone broken?" He ran a hand through his hair as he looked for something and nearly pounced at the poor object when he found it.

"I turned the volume down." Those simple words had warmth flowing through your body. It was days like today you were reminded how lucky you were to have Jake in your life. He was seconds from sprinting out the door when you called out, "Thank you."

And even though he was running late, he stopped and turned around, giving you his signature smirk, "Anything for you, darlin'."

A/N: Thoughts? Likes? Dislikes? Thank you so so much for reading!

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