Pinky Promise 2

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A/N: Hi friends! It's been a hot minute since I have put something out but I promise you I have a good reason for it! I just had a baby and haven't had time to sit down and write. But hoping to put out more content here soon! Thank you all for reading!!! - C


It was an ungodly time in the morning when you heard the doorbell ring. It took more will power than you would like to admit to even sit up in bed, head pounding with the slight elevation change. You wiped the sleep and last night's makeup from your eyes, most likely smearing streaks of it across your face. And you sat there contemplating all of your life's choices up to this point.

The doorbell seemed to yell at you, telling you that whoever was on the other side must have been impatient. A quick glance at the clock said it was 8:30 and you had to take a deep breath to not hurt the person who was making you get out of bed.

A few stumbling steps later, you opened the door to find a delivery guy with a bag of food. While you took the bag from him, the confusion was pretty clear. Even the guy who was turning to walk away could see it. "There is a note on the receipt." And then he was gone.

Between the hangover from hell and very few hours of sleep you got; you were slow moving to get back inside. To anyone walking by you must have looked like you lost your mind with the amount of time you spent looking at the bag. But by some miracle, your legs took you back to bed while your mind was still reeling.

The bag didn't have any sort of logo or name on it, but it did smell good. You opened it up and reached for the receipt first, trying to find answers.

The tacos I promised you. – Jake

A laugh came out as you put the piece of paper aside, making your way to the things that were making your mouth water. Breakfast tacos greeted you and suddenly being woken up was not a bad thing anymore.

You went to reach for your phone to thank the blond-haired pilot but stopped when you remembered exactly why you now had tacos. Your drunken self called your brothers most hated teammate last night because you didn't want to get your brother involved. You winced at the thought of him finding out and pulled your hand back.

You dreaded looking at your phone, knowing Bradley most likely had blown it up after last night. So, instead of being a responsible adult who answered for her own actions, you turned your phone over. What you couldn't see meant it wasn't there. Denial was one of your favorite places to live in.

Jake seemed friendly enough, offering help whenever you needed. He also wasn't quick to judge you like others. It wasn't lost on you that Bradley had most likely told his teammates how "reckless and wild" you were, already painting a bad picture of you. But Jake didn't make you feel that way. He actually made you think that you might be able to call him a friend, even if he didn't see eye to eye with your brother.


Jake heard a knock at his door and tried to think who would be here at this time of night. The confusion only grew when he opened his door to find you walking past him and making yourself home on his couch.

"Ever think about how dumb Tuesdays are? Like the only thing they are good for is tacos." Jake had to blink a few times for his mind to catch up to what was happening.

"I can't say that I have. Did that burning question drive you all the way over here?" He closed the door and walked to the adjacent couch to sit. He had a feeling this was going to be a long visit.

"I had to thank you in person for the tacos since I'm ignoring my phone." Jake's eyebrows rose that comment and pushed you on it. He watched as you played with your hair, giving him a hint at one of your tells. You were either uncomfortable or nervous about your answer and he locked that piece of information away for later.

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