The Last Goodbye

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The days always seemed darker when there was a funeral. The normal vibrant colors were duller, almost like the world had a grey tint to it. Wind seemed to cut through your body, chilling you to the core. Cemeteries were never a place of happiness, but today dread and misery seemed to fill the air.

The sea of uniforms gathered around a casket was a telling sign that someone sacrificed their life for their country. It was an eerie sight seeing that many men and women standing with fixed postures, not daring to move a muscle.

Jake walked up to the small wooden stand and placed the papers down he spent all night working on. Talking wasn't something he ever had a problem with, but words failed him last night. He just couldn't figure out the right things to say in a moment like this.

He took a deep breath and prayed he could get through this.

"They say if you fly long enough you'll eventually lose a wingman. But I'll be one of the first to admit that this one came faster than I thought it would. Top Gun pilots are a different breed. We fly like we have everything to prove and nothing to lose. The thought of dying isn't something we think of often and to be quite honest, invincible is the word we like to use. We are the best of the best. Nothing is supposed to bring us down."

He took a few breaths before he started the next part.

"Y/N was one of the best pilots I have ever had the privilege of flying with. She was tough as nails, but always found a way to better those around her. She could light up a room with a simple smile. Get out of trouble without even trying. But most of all, she made you feel like you mattered."

The crowd was silent as he turned the page.

"Phoenix lost someone that she considered a sister. Someone that she always turned to for advice or a shoulder to cry on after a hard day. Bob lost the first friend he made a Top Gun. Everyone in that bar had ignored him except for Y/N. Coyote lost his pool partner, someone who always led them to victory. And Rooster lost his childhood best friend. Someone that will never be replaced. But for me, I lost the love of my life and I'm not sure where to go from here."

Jake turned to face the casket and spoke his next words directly to you.

"I love you so much, Sweetheart. I always pictured telling you those words in a different way. Never in a thousand years did I think you would be gone before I got the courage to actually say it out loud."

His breath caught in his throat as he struggled to keep it together.

"You were walking sunshine, never failing to brighten anyone's day. The amount of compassion you had for others is something I only wish to have a fraction of. But seeing you like this, having to burry you in the ground is something I will never come back from. God there are some many things I wish I could change, but life has this cruel way of showing you regrets without getting to fix them."

Jake brushed the few tears that managed to escape and shook his head.

"I'm sorry I wasn't the person you needed me to be. I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop this from happening. But most importantly, I'm sorry that your life was cut so short that you barely got to experience living it."

There was more he had written down on his sheets of paper, but there was no chance he was going to make it through the rest. He walked away from the stand after putting his wings on your casket.

The service went on, but he wasn't paying attention. Gun shots pulled his attention from you, but it was a reminder that this was all coming to an end. Not too long after the service was finished, rain started to fall, causing most people to retreat to their cars.

Everyone but Jake.

The rain was fitting for how this day was going. His Ma once told him that it only rained when someone truly special was going to be missed. Almost like the world was grieving with us.

He sat in front of that headstone, rain soaking every part of him, until Bradley walked up.

"She wouldn't want you to be like this. You know damn well if she saw you now, she would be yelling up a storm." Jake nodded his head, knowing his friend was right.

"I don't know how to move on. Hell, I don't think I'll ever move on." He rubbed his hands over his face, tears mixing in with the rain.

"It wasn't supposed to be her." And it was true. Y/N took the missile to save Bradley, something no one saw coming.

Bradley was at a loss for words but knelt to help Jake up. Jake let him guide him into a standing position but couldn't peel his eyes away from your name. Walking away from that headstone meant he was walking away for good. This chapter of his life was done, but it was your story that was complete.

There were no more smiles that were saved just for him. No more laughing at his awful jokes. No more blushing when Jake flirted with you, riling you up for his own pure joy.

No chance of a future together.

Jake took one step away from you and he could feel his heart breaking all over again.

"Goodbye, Sweetheart. I'll see you again soon."

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