Chapter 1 - Clean Up In Aisle 644

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"couldn't believe it. Lisa told Janet that Paul asked Barbra to ask me if I had a date to the dance." Says Nancy's best friend Amy over the phone.

"No way! Wait, weren't him and-" she cut her off.

"No, they broke up for religious differences. She thought she was god and he disagreed." Nancy could practically hear the smile on her face.

"So did Barbra tell him? are you two meeting up somewhere?"

"Yeah, this afternoon. Around 5." Amy replied.

"So where are you two going?" She nagged, prying more details out of her.

"I'm meeting him at the mall."

"Do you think he'll ask you to go to the dance?" She grinned.

"I dunno, maybe." Nancy could hear friends excitement, she was happy for her.

"So do you wanna hang out? Maybe watch a  movie or something?" Nancy moved the conversation of the dance out of the way.

"Oh, I can't. I've gotta hang around a while and keep an eye on Nick. He likes to take things apart." Her younger brother Nick was a sweet kid, but he took after his father.

"Well I guess we couldn't watch a good one around him, huh?" Nancy joked.

"We'll that's why I watch it at your house." Amy says, Nancy then letting out a small laugh after her reply.

There was a pause before she continued explaining, "Things will cool off after today. Dad has his big 'show and tell' at the lab."

Nancy hummed in understanding before she could hear Nick exclaiming in the background.

"Nick, get real!" Amy says in annoyance.

"So your brother finally got the guts to bug you, huh?" Nancy says.

"No, no, it's not that." Her voice fell a little.

"So are you just in a bad mood?" She ask concerned.

"No. Mom and dad had an argument last night, and mom spent the night at grandmas. I think she just needed a rest."

"Guess she needed a break from the smart one in the house." Nancy said playfully getting the awkward moment out of the way.

"Right. Her and me both." Amy chuckled.

And She knew she didn't mean that literally. Her dad was nice and everything, he was just a bit on the nutty side.

"Well how about I come over for a bit so you don't have to leave your brother?" She says.

"Yeah okay."

"And I know we can't watch a good movie but we can certainly talk about one." Nancy said.

"Okay," She heard the smile back on her face, "Bye."


Nancy arrived at the Szalinski's around the same time Wayne Szalinski came rushing out the door.

His conference, She thought, remembering that Amy was talking about that on the phone.

"Hi Mr. Szalinski." She greeted, watching him turn around from putting items in the trunk of his car.

"Oh, hi Nancy. Here to see Amy?" He rushed.

"Uh, yeah. Hey good luck on your conference." She said.

"Thank you." he turns again and then stops, turning back to face her suddenly.

"Could you do me a favour?" He asks.

"Sure." She says, unsure.

"Could you help Amy clean up inside before her mom gets home? And thank you, so very much." He says before Nancy can even answer, and he rushes into his car.

"No problem, Mr. Szalinski." She mutters to herself as he pulls out of the driveway. She then lets herself into the house and as soon as the door opens Amy greets her happily.

"Nancy! Oh my god it's been like, twenty minutes!" She hugs her as she looks around. Their house is an even bigger mess than the last time she'd seen it.

"Your dad asked me to help you.. clean up." Nancy says slowly as Amy lets go and turns around.

"You don't have to." She says assuringly.

"Oh, no that's okay. I'll just leave the hard stuff to you." She smiles.

Amy laughed a little before going into a closet to get cleaning supplies.

"Don't you have to watch your brother, too?" Nancy asked as her friend grabbed a mop.

"He's in the backyard. Dad asked him to mow the lawn, he'll be fine." She replies.

Amy turned on the radio and immediately the song 'Turn it up' by Nick Kamen began to play.

Nancy turned it up as Amy dunked the mop in the water, moving her legs to the beat. She lifted it up slowly, dropping the mop down.

She moved her head from one side to another, then backing up.

Nancy laughed, then copied her actions by grabbing a duster and waving it in the air, stepping with the beat as well.

Amy lifted the mop upside down, spinning with it as if it were a person.

there's something here between us
And it's something I can't resist

Amy backed up while holding the mop, and Nancy stepped forward.

A physical attraction
Feel it every time we kiss

The two pretended to sing into their cleaning tools while dancing together.

"Weird Family." Says the next door neighbour, Russell Thompson. He had come out to carry boxes and other items to their shed with his son, Russ.

He looked over to him, he was holding other boxes, and he was looking at the girls dance through the window with a mesmerized look on his face.

He looked between his son and the girls dancing, but didn't say a word.
Turn it up!

Amy jumped on the spot, spinning with her mop.

Got to turn it up!

She walked backwards, still dancing with her mop.

Nancy backed up, pretending to pull her over as Amy put her hand out and put her head back. They laughed at their dancing, but continued.

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