Chapter 8 - Lawnmower Mayhem and A Bowl Of Cheerios

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The five kids awoke, all of them slept in the same spot, around a large defence creation.

Russ got up from his spot, Nancy and Amy sitting up tiredly.

"Where are you going?" Amy asks.

"Nature calls." He says, walking out of the opening.

Ron got up next, "Boys on the right, girls on the left." He said, walking the same way as his brother.

"I must look absolutely gross." Amy said, standing up.

"That's what you'd say every morning." Nancy said as the two walked another way.

Nick stays in his spot of the hole, sleeping soundly.

The group waits around for Nick. He had finally gotten up to use the bathroom, and he just came around the corner, buckling his pants and straightening out his shirt.

"Okay, guys. Let's get moving." Russ says as Nick joins the others, "It can't be much farther."

"Can't we sleep just a little longer?" He said sleepily.

Ron paused, looking around. The others heard it too, and the grass around them began to shake more violently.

"Something's very weird here." Amy says, the wind blowing her hair back.

The ground started rumbling as they all steadied themselves from falling.

"What is it?" Russ called over the ruckus.

"Earthquake!" Ron yelled.

"No, worse! Lawnmower!" Nick yelled, the wind getting stronger, the grass shaking harder.

They covered themselves, starting to run in the other direction.

They ran through a small path, still covering their faces.

They all turned and screamed at the sight of the huge lawnmower coming right at them.

They turned another path as a clump of dandelions began flying out and into the air.

Amy held onto Nick, then his legs began to lift.


Her and Nancy helped pull him down and continue running away.

The boys screamed as a large blade of grass came hurdling at them. There were pieces of cut up grass everywhere now.

They came down and around into a hole, Russ making sure everyone made it in.

"What is this?" Nancy called, Nick leading the way through the hole.

"I don't know, but I hope whatever lived here moved out!" Amy answers.

"This is the burrow of a lumbricus terrestris." Nick said simply, starting a slow walk down the hole.

"A what?" Ron asked confused.

"Earthworm. They're dormant this time of year."

The group continued walking for a minute or two, stopping at spots.

"I think we'll be safe in here." Nick says.

A large wind came from above, making him cover his head.

Suddenly his feet lifted off the ground as he got pulled further through the hole, and he screamed as he flailed his arms.

He quickly grabbed onto a root in the ground as Amy screamed his name from the back of the line.

He screamed at the top of his lungs, his grip letting go of the root as Ron grabbed his arms, then he started being pulled by the strong wind, too.

They both screamed as Russ grabbed onto his brother's legs, Nancy grabbing onto his and Amy grabbing onto hers.

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