Chapter 3 - Sweeped Out Of The Attic

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The whirring of the machine filled the three teenagers ears, as they had been laying on their backs due to the impact of the laser.

The back up a little, looking around with bewildered faces.

They began to stand up, wiping the dust from their pants. They look around. mostly up.

"Where are we?" Amy wonders aloud, beginning to back up a little.

"Oh my god." Nancy says quietly, starting to realize what had happened.

"What happened?" Russell asks.



The two voices of the younger brothers flew to their ears, making them turn to see two tiny figures running their way.

"Amy!" Nick says again, making Amy sigh in relief, "Nicky."

"Ron?" Russ says, openly confused. Amy started towards her brother, Nancy and Russ following just behind her.

"Nick what happened?" Amy says as they finally reach each other, meeting at a nail the size of an oak tree.

"We're all the size of boogers!" Ron says excitedly, jumping over the huge nail.

They suddenly noticed another presence when loud, echoing barks emitted from the attic door.

They all covered their ears in pain, "Be quiet, Quark!"

The family dog then turns and runs down the attic stairs, making them all turn back to each other.

"Nick, what'd you do?!" Amy says angrily towards her innocent brother.

"Me?! It was his ball!" He argued, pointing to Ron.

"Shut up, wimp!" He claimed.

"We have to get dad. He'll know what to do." Nick says matter-of-factly.

Amy looks at her brother, and then back to the huge machine.

The group began to walk, past the giant nail, with hardly any clue what to do next.

A ringing of a seemingly gigantic phone began to fill everyone's ears this time.

"Nick, if that's Paul Tate, I'm going to kill you." Amy said.

They continued to walk until they came across something, "What's that?" Ron asked.

"It's Dad's thinking couch." Nick replied, then sitting down on it.

The kids stood around the couch until they heard another noise, "Nick?"

Nick shot up from his spot on the couch, "listen." he told the others.

"Are you guys home?" A voice echoed loudly.

"Sounds like dad. He'll fix us." Nick continued.

"Mr. Szalinski! Up here!" Ron shouted.

"Up here, Dad!" Amy called.

"Quick! Over there by the door, okay? Get that side." Russ motioned, Nancy, Amy and Ron instantly picking up the couch.

"Anybody up there?" Wayne Szalinski's voice was heard again.

"Nick, get off and give us a hand!" Amy grunted, shoving her brother off of the couch. The group continued to carry the couch.

"Nick? Amy?" He called again. "Nancy?" He added.

"Hey, Amy, your date's here." Ron teased as they passed a large, dead bug.

"Oh, gross." She muttered in reply.

"Watch out for the crack!" Nick announced, the floorboard was now 10 times its usual size. The others carefully jumped over it while keeping hold of the couch.

The machine made buzzing noises, aiming again at the detected movement.

"Hurry up, he's coming!" Nancy warned.

They heard a large thump from behind them, just before Mr. Szalinski opened the attic door. Nothing happened.

They all climbed up on the chair and began jumping and shouting, "Right here!"

"Mr. Szalinski, down here!" Nancy and Russ shouted.

"Dad! Dad!" Amy and Nick yelled.

"Help!" they all yelled in unison.

He didn't even look down.

Nevertheless they continued to scream for help, trying to get his attention.

Wayne Szalinski backed up, beginning to sit, but he had fallen back since there was nothing there.

The fall made the ground rumble enough to knock all the kids off the couch.

"Where's my couch?" he thought aloud. The rest of them picked themselves up off the floor.

Every step Mr. Szalinski took made a loud noise, and made the ground rumble.

"What is he, deaf?" Russ complained.

"Don't you get it? We're too small, he can't hear us." Nancy answered the boy.

They watched as the man walked towards the broken window, and then turned back and looked near the ground.

"Dad!" Amy screamed.

He had been looking at the ball, and ended up looking back up.

"I don't believe this." Mr. Szalinski muttered, though the kids heard it loud and clear.

"What a day.." He backed up, hitting his head on a technological piece, "Ah!"

"This is all your fault." He said, pulling what he had hit his head on out of the wall, "Five years of-"

"No, Dad! It works!" Nick yells as loud as possible.

"Szalinski, don't do it!" Ron yelled right after.

"No, Mr. Szalinski!" Russell shouts.

They continued screaming as he started destroying the machine, hitting it as hard as he could.


Just then a big chunk of the machine flew and landed right behind the couch.

"Run!" Ron cried, the rest of them turning on their heels and doing just that.

The thuds and clattering of the breaking machine filled the room as they ran from the falling debris.

"Dad!" Amy shrieked, broken pieces of the machine smashing all around.

Mr. Szalinski had stopped smashing the machine, making the five slow down to breath.

The man walked across the other side of the room, retrieving the- broom.

The group sprinted the other way, "No!"

"Run Nicky!" Amy hurried.

They turned around once again when the broom landed in front of them. They ran past huge clumps of dust, nails and other garbage.

They continued running until the broom landed in their path, making them turn and run again, screaming in the process.

They ran back and forth until the air became dusty, they were cornered by glass and machine parts, and the broom was on one side and the pink dustpan on the other.

They held onto the ropes of the broom for dear life, but the impact towards the dustpan was too much. The screaming kids got scooped up, being poured into a garbage can, going down the dustpan like a slide.

They fell into the pit of garbage, landing on dust clumps and glass. They attempted to get up, but then everything turned pitch black.

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