Chapter 4 - The Backyard

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"Szalinski, do they pick up your trash the same day they get ours?" Russ' voice called from the darkness of the garbage bag.

"Ow!" Nick pouts.

"Nick!" Amy says.

"I'm over here!" He says back.

"Who's arm is this?" Nancy asks.

"I don't know, but I'm not waiting around to find out. Move over!" Ron replies, a glimpse of light finally being shown.

"Look out!" He says, cutting open the bag slowly with a piece of broken glass.

Russ and Ron pull open each side of the garbage bag, revealing a large grass filled yard.

Nick, Amy and Nancy edged behind them, looking at the scene.

"Oh my god." Amy mutters.

"Reminds me of the.. backyard." Nick says quietly.

The five look silently at the scene in front of them.

"Something tells me we're not going fishing this weekend." Russell says.

"That should make you happy." Ron bugs.

"Blow it out your shorts, Ron." He answers, rolling his eyes.

"Dad can fix us, right Nick?" Amy looks down to her brother worriedly.

"I.. I think so." He replies with an uneasy look on his face.

"Oh, great." Ron says sarcastically.

"We just have to get back to the house." Nancy says simply.

"I'm never going back to your house!" Ron argues.

"It's not even my house, airhead." She pushes.

"Whatever, I'm going home." He says, walking out of the bag, "C'mon, Russ."

Ron continues to sit down, ready to go into the wild yard. He turns, "Russ?"

Russell turns to Amy for a moment, "Tell me the truth, can your dad help us?" He asks.

"Russ, we're supposed to go fishing!" He hurries his brother.

"Yeah, right. How are you going, as bait?" Nancy says sarcastically, making Ron give her an annoyed look.

He turns, beginning to push himself down a large blade of grass, "What a witch!" He grumbles.

He descends down further into the messy yard, making it down and looking around in awe.

"Russ, you coming down or what!" Ron's voice echo's back up to the others.

He looks to the others for a second, then looking back down again, "Well, we can't stay here." He emerged fully out of the garbage bag and began to go to the same place his brother did.

"Well, I think we should stick together!" Amy says hurriedly.

Russ sits down and looks back, "Well, come on." and with that he slides down the piece of grass.

Nancy steps out next, sitting down and looking back at Amy, "I don't think we have much of a choice." then she turned and slid down too.

Amy anxiously stands there, watching as her brother sits too.

"Nicky!" She said, sort of angrily.

Without turning around he pushed himself down and he disappears too.

Amy groans, realizing she can't stay back by herself. She sits and then slides down like the others.

Once she arrived, she looks around, like her brother. They begin slowly walking.

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