Confessions of a Virgo (pt. 1)

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Character POV: Beyoncé

"Should I finally tell her how I feel?" I thought to myself as I prepared for what was ahead.

The door finally opened, and I took a deep breath.

"Hey Beyoncé!" Aaliyah gestured as she pulled me into a warm embrace and as I stepped back to look at her, I can't help but admire her.

She was wearing a pair of fitted light wash jeans that hugged her curves in all the right places. She paired the jeans with a simple white tank top that showed off her toned arms.

Her hair was sleek and straight, cascading down her back like a waterfall of black silk. The smooth texture of her tresses was a stark contrast to her golden-toned skin, creating a mesmerizing effect. The ombre effect added a touch of edge, starting with a rich, deep black at the roots and gradually transitioning into a warm, golden brown at the tips.

Her makeup was minimal, accentuating her natural beauty. And those lips.

As I gazed into her eyes, I found myself momentarily speechless. But Aaliyah's bashful smile broke the silence.

"Aren't you gonna come inside?"


New Years' Eve '99, eight years ago when I first met her. I was attending an industry party hosted by Andre Harrell at his luxurious Hidden Hills mansion. The day was one I would never forget, especially when one of the guests accidentally spilled red wine all over my pristine dress. In a state of distress, I ran to the restroom in an effort to salvage my outfit. However, my efforts were in vain.

As I stood there, tearfully trying to clean my dress, Aaliyah suddenly appeared. She noticed my anxiety and approached me with a comforting voice. "You should dab instead of rub. Let me help you," she offered, with genuine concern in her eyes.

"Are you alright? What happened?"

"Someone spilled wine on my dress!" I fumed, still distressed by what took place.

"I'm sorry about that," Aaliyah said as she continued to console me. "But don't worry, this stain should come right out when you take it in for dry cleaning."

It was evident that my dress needed special cleaning, and Aaliyah offered to lend me a spare from her stylist. I was a little apprehensive about borrowing someone else's dress, but Aaliyah's assurance put me at ease.

"I'll be back in a few minutes."

As I stood in the bathroom, feeling embarrassed and frustrated, I couldn't help but think about how important this event was for me and my group. It was a chance for me to network and make important connections in the industry, and now my dress was ruined. I felt like I had blown my chance.

But as soon as Aaliyah returned, all of my negative thoughts melted away. She had a calming presence, and her kind words made me feel like everything was going to be okay.

"Here you go," Aaliyah said as she handed me the dress. "I know you'll look beautiful in it."

I quickly changed into the new dress and checked myself out in the mirror. It was a perfect fit. The silky fabric hugged my curves in all the right places, and the gentle ruffle at the hemline added a touch of sophistication. I twirled around, admiring myself from every angle in the full-length mirror.

However, my excitement was short-lived as I caught a glimpse of my face. Mascara streaks and smudges of eyeliner marred my once-pristine makeup. Aaliyah must have picked up on my sudden distress as she quickly called in her makeup artist, Eric, to fix the mess.

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