Lovers and Friends (pt. 1)

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Character POV: Usher

"Okay, let's try that again from the top."

I nodded, feeling the sweat starting to bead on my forehead. This was my chance to pay tribute to Janet Jackson.

And I knew I had to get it right.

As "Alright" began to play for the umpteenth time, I let my body move to the rhythm, feeling the beat in my bones. I tried to channel Janet's energy, to embody her spirit through my dance. When it was time for the difficult split, I leapt, twisting my body over the bench, just as one of her dancers had done in the iconic music video.

For a split second, I held the perfect position, then wobbled, losing my balance. I tumbled to the floor, the bench edge catching my leg.

The music screeched to a halt as the choreographer and dancers rushed to help me. "Usher, are you okay?!"

I gritted my teeth, grabbing the bench for support as I pushed myself into a seated position. My leg stung but didn't seem broken. "I'm fine, just a scratch."

The choreographer studied me. "You're not fine and you won't do Janet or yourself any justice by injuring yourself any further. We're stopping rehearsal for today."

Despite the pain, I hobbled to my feet, frustrated with myself because I knew that I was more than capable of landing that move.

"Usher, I can't allow you to continue," The choreographer's voice was firm yet caring.

"Yeah, I know, but I feel like we could keep going. I swear I'm not that hurt," I said, annoyed.

"I'm not going to have you risk your health just for the sake of a performance. You need to rest that leg and come back stronger in a few days," the choreographer said sternly.

I knew that he was right, but a part of me couldn't help but feel like he was holding me back. I wanted to push myself to the limit, to give everything I had to this performance. My mom had always told me that anything worth doing was hard and grueling. If that meant I had to be in pain for a few days, then so be it. I just hoped that I'd be able to perform that move during the live show.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I knew that I needed to be patient and trust the process, even if it meant taking a step back for now.

"Okay, I understand. I'll rest up and come back when I'm ready," I said, trying to sound more positive.

"Good, now let's call it a day everyone." He smiled kindly at me before gesturing to his assistant. "Bri, get me some ice and a compression bandage."

As Brianna hurried off to find the first aid supplies, Mya walked into the room, her eyes scanning the space to see what was happening. She had been practicing her own part of the performance in another room and looked exhausted.

"Hey, how's it going?" she asked, concern in her eyes as she took in my pained expression. "Somethin' happen?"

I sighed and forced a smile. "Just took a little tumble during rehearsal. Nothing too serious."

"You sure you're ok? You look like you're in pain."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I probably just bruised my leg a bit, nothing to worry about," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. Brianna returned just then, handing me the ice and compression bandage. I gratefully accepted them and began to apply them to my leg.

Mya watched me for a moment before gently reaching out and touching a small scar on my face with her thumb. "You got this from the fall?"

I was caught off guard by her touch, "Oh, uh, yeah, I guess. I didn't even notice it until you just pointed it out. I hope I didn't fuck my face up."

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