18. Fubuki Meets Carnage

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The feeling was indescribable to give out an exact answer of what Fubuki was honestly feeling yet here she was.

Her eyes were only showing horror and fear, unlike anything she had ever felt before.

Her own heart was beating very fast up to the point where she could just go into cardiac arrest.

Her head and senses was screaming at her to run as far away as she possibly can but she couldn't possibly do anything about it.

Seeing the same monster standing before her, the same one that ruined her husband's life, was staring in her emerald eyes as if they were able to enter her soul alone.

She was trying so desperately to be able to speak, to able to find her voice, but she simply couldn't since the tendrils were covering her mouth from talking, she was like a deer in headlights.

She was clouded by a type of fear that she has never felt like anything before, she had face many monsters in the past but none could possibly rival the one that stands before her. Carnage, based on his appearance alone would make all sorts of threat level monsters back away and run away in fear.

Carnage was simply watching Fubuki's reactions of fear in his own amusement, "Hehehe, I've take it you've never face something like me before. I've been watching you two for quite some time."

Fubuki eye's widen even more, 'He's been watching us!?'

"But I think that the main topic at hand is what to do with you."

Fubuki shuddered at the thought alone, what sort of things did he have in store for someone like her.

Carnage goes into a thinking gesture, "Tell me, how would Spider-man feel when he finds your dead corpse here? I could start off by eating your organs. Maybe tear off one of your eyes that way your have the same view point as Spider-man." He burst into laughter

Carnage continues, "I could slice your face off."

"No, that wouldn't be very fun at all

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"No, that wouldn't be very fun at all. How about I server your body in two."


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Spider-man and Fubuki/Spider-BlizzardWhere stories live. Discover now