38. Old Villains but First Encounter

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Michael had awoken from his bed with Fubuki right next to him. Seeing her sleeping so peacefully had always brought a spark to his heart.

It was actually 3 am. They've been on the hunt for Carnage for weeks, whether he still roamed around this universe or not. They can't necessarily rest easy knowing he is still out there somewhere in the shadows.

Michael gets up from his bed carefully so as not to wake up Fubuki. He gently puts Spider-plushie in Fubuki's arms as he watches her snuggling with the cute stuffed lookalike toy of him making him smile and blush at the same time. It was very adorable to see Fubuki like that, much like himself beneath those serious tough acts and fighting spirit of hers; she also acts like a little kid when no one is watching.

He headed over to the bathroom as he began to wash his face as he was putting on his suit. He figured a little short patrol would ease his mind a little bit with the nightmares.

Heading over to the living room to find the 3 Peter's asleep while they were in their Spider-man outfits as well.

Spider-man smiles underneath the mask because if it hadn't been for them in the first place he would've died from blood loss all alone on that rooftop, he was entirely grateful for that and adding on top of that Fubuki had shown up on the same night as well. It filled his spirit with purpose knowing that he has someone to fight for.

In the cold rainy night, he leaps off the balcony, shooting a web-line to use the momentum to swing across the streets until he was launched in the air, spiraling like crazy as he performed a lot of acrobatics and somersaults. Shooting two weblines between two buildings to slingshot himself even further adding a "Woohoo!" He was practically enjoying himself in the swings that he had almost forgotten what it was like to have fun and be free as a bird especially during the time he had gotten his powers.

Next he was perched over a skyscraper, looking at the city. He was in a calm state of mind since the scenery was very nice for what it's worth, especially the small raindrops hitting his suit.

Next thing he knew something collided with his side sending him off the building, Spider-man quickly recovers as he sticks to the side, he looks up at the top to see a figure move out his of sight like a blur before he gives chase.

Minutes later the chase had stopped when Spider-man followed the villain all the way up to the closed train stations in City-J.

Spider-man walked around the terminal as the trains were in place as well but wasn't able to find the guy who had attacked him until he heard an all too familiar chuckle behind him.

Spider-man exhaled softly as he turned around seeing the figure that he hated beyond anything else in his life, he clenched his fists, "This ends today."

Carnage giggled maniacally, "Don't be like that. I'm sure we can work something out while we rip you apart."


Another familiar figure landed behind Spider-man, he looked over his shoulder to find Venom standing behind him.

"What's the matter, Michael? Spider-sense didn't tingle?" Venom replied as he slithered his tongue around.

Two symbiotic beings were now facing Spider-man from either sides but Spider-man continued to look forward at Carnage with a glare, he speaks to Venom without looking at him, "So what's your excuse Eddie? I thought you and Carnage couldn't get alongside one another?"

"We and Carnage had come to an agreement."

"Yeah? And what would that be?"

"That killing you is more worth it than fighting amongst ourselves. Besides, there is no more Eddie Brock, we call ourselves Venom."

Spider-man and Fubuki/Spider-BlizzardWhere stories live. Discover now