40. Moving Forward

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Today was a day nobody ever thought would come. The funeral of Michael or as most of the world knew him as Spider-Man. Saitama had taken care of the Funeral costs and Tatsumaki planned the event. The event itself was quite admiring, even allowing the HA heroes and Michael's friends to be close to her grave.

Genos was the first to walk to the podium holding a piece of paper in his trembling hands, "Spider-man was someone who lived his life thinking of others far before himself. He didn't care who it was, he saved anyone who needed it most. Spider-man was someone I could call a true friend above all else."

The world watched the funeral of Spider-man...not a single crime was committed in all of the country after that battle. No one was mugged. No shoplifting. No assaults. For the first time in years the world felt as if it was asleep. 

Most of the human threats who had once fought the hero were both happy at the news and some were saddened that they will never have the battles they once did with the hero.

After a few more people the next person up was Saitama. "Michael was a good friend...he was also the nicest and most considerate person I had ever met…the guy practically stands for something. Who knows you'd know that goes out there and helps people with no agenda. Dude doesn't care what you say about him. He helps people. And from here on out, the way we will honor him is that he will follow in his footsteps and help out however we can in this world. With or without powers we will help out the world however we can in his memory."

The strongest hero, looking at the grave, placing a single hand on the stone, to think these hands would kill anything in a single punch that he would now in this moment uses his hand to comfort and say goodbye to a dear friend.

Saitama walked down to his seat next to Tatsumaki who, to everyone's surprise, cried softly.

Tatsumaki was next, "He was always the hero no one asked for but the hero everyone needed from start to finish. He would sacrifice all he had to save anyone and everyone...his mother had a saying that he told me many times. Sometimes when it comes to having great power, there must also come great responsibility. Please don't his death be in vain. He once said that when it came to Spider-man he understood that it could be anyone under the mask...so we need you to be strong and help where and when we can." She finished breaking down as she walked away.

The final person to walk up was Fubuki who had tears in her eyes but remained strong with a determined look, "Michael, otherwise known as Spider-man, my husband was the truest definition of what it meant to be a hero. Ending his life by doing the most heroic thing anyone could ever do...he sacrificed the thing we all hold dear to protect the world...Michael gave his life to save all of us in the end. At the beginning when he was just a little boy, he didn't ask for his powers but he chose to be Spider-man in the end, how to live with the consequences of being a hero, and how to die like one. He always knew how to get under people's skin and see the good in their hearts. I don't think that there will ever be someone as amazing as him in the multiverse but I was very glad that I went to go rookie crush him on that day and that's when I started to progress into a real hero because of him. I will forever be thankful for that until the day I die and join my husband in the afterlife, knowing he will be waiting for me. And what's so special about Michael, everything."

The death of Michael changed the world that day. For the world lost what it needed the most...this world lost someone who cared more about everyone else then themselves.. Sure crime continued but this alternate world lost the sound of webs attaching to buildings, the sound of wisecracks and the sight of black and gray Spider-themed hero but there will always be more heroes that will honor and follow in his footsteps to continue to do what's right because with great power, comes great responsibility.

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