She Will Be Loved.

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"She Will Be Loved."

Aurora tried her best to enter her dorm quietly when she noticed Pansy sitting there wide awake staring at her with her arms crossed. She looked like she was angry with Aurora, but if anything, Aurora had been angry with her.

"Another late night?" Pansy questioned her. "Studying again I suppose?"

"A bit of studying. A bit of bullshit." Aurora shrugged as she put her things away. Her hair still damp from her shower hours before.

"You know I've really missed you Aurora but I suppose you've just been too busy for your friends. Your real friends." She muttered. "I heard you've been seen with Draco."

"That's a lie." Aurora argued. "I spoke to Draco earlier but it was more like a fight than anything."

Pansy scoffed. "He broke your heart Aurora. Stop bothering with him, even if he comes up to you, just walk away. He isn't worth it." She replied as she got up and handed a letter to Aurora.

"What's this?" She asked Pansy.

"It's from Padfoot. He sent it to me so no one would be suspicious." She gave Pansy a half smile and then sat back on her bed.

"Dearest God Daughter,

I've sent this addressed to Pansy in hopes it reaches you. Which means if you're reading this it has. I wanted you to know I've thought of you each day since you left. I hope school is better this year. I hear you've been involved in making it a better place to be, which is wonderful, I am so very proud of you. Stay away from that boy, all boys at that- they're nothing but trouble. Good luck and hope to hear from you soon. I love you my darling girl. I am a lucky God Father.


Hearing from Sirius was just now the best thing to have happened all day. Aside from Blaise asking her to the dance party tomorrow. She had just realized in that moment she still hadn't shared that with Pansy yet, actually there was a lot she hadn't, this was their first time talking in months aside from the hello and goodbye as they passed about each other.

"Where have you been Pansy? I've needed you." Aurora muttered as she looked down.

"I'm sorry..." Pansy replied. "It sounds selfish I know- but I couldn't take seeing you the way you were... Broken and not yourself."

Aurora nodded. "It's not selfish." She replied. "I'm better now, especially since I dumped Draco, I wish you could have seen it." She giggled.

"Hermione told me all about it. She told me you said I dump your ass." Pansy began laughing and just like that it felt like the good days again. "Similar to how I dumped Gregory honestly."

"I need to confess something." Aurora spoke softly. "I almost kissed him on the train."

Pansy started to laugh uncontrollably. "You really weren't yourself huh?" She asked playfully. "Trying to kiss Goyle? Oh Aurora- I wished I had been there, I was just so wrapped up in my new relationship with Dean, I'm so sorry."

"I forgive you Pansy, really I do, I'm just happy you're not upset with me." Aurora replied.

"I'd only be upset if I found out you were dating Draco again." Pansy looked at her seriously.

"Actually I have a date with someone tomorrow, to the party at the Three Broomsticks." She muttered.

"WHO!?" Pansy shouted. "Oh tell me it's Neville! He's been looking to ask you out I've heard!"

THE SECRETS OF THE MANOR (Draco Malfoy x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now