chapter 18.

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Nadia's pov
My heart aches alot,but I feel at ease after pouring out what was on my mind to him.

But what am I crying for?

I know!
I love him so much!
But why and how did he win my heart.
Like am confused,how did I fall for him,even though all he did was hate me and cause pains to me.

I have to stop all this thinking and focus on our divorce.

Yes I cannot allow us to continue living like this,he should find someone else or get munnaya back.

Am not gonna change my mind!
But why have I been ranting to myself.?

Why can't I stop thinking about this issues?

"Because you cannot live without him!"
my inner self muttered.

"No ....I c"

"I can live without him! , Yes I can....he was never a part of my life ,I was just stupid to fall for him".

I can't spend the rest of my life with him,I am going to tell both our parents the truth.
I can't continue to deceive my parents anymore .
But how will they feel when they get to know !?
I wish I knew it will end bad,I wouldn't have played along with him.

I lied down on the sofa in my room, and was lost in my thoughts.

Not until I heard fu'ads voice.

"Nadia please open the door , please , you've not eaten since morning."he said in a cool manner,why does he even care?.


"I know you can hear me "

"Please give me one more chance to make up for my mistakes ,I know I have hurt you alot , please try to understand am for real "

"Am ready to apologise,open the door let's resolve our mistakes "
This time I could feel the truthfulness in his words.
No ,I can't fall for his pranks ,I know he can do anything to stop me from telling our parents the truth.
I know he doesn't like me and he doesn't want to divorce me because of his parents especially his mum.
His pretending am not going to fall for his trap.


"Okay just make a sound let me know your in there,then I'll drop your breakfast by the door I know you must be famished"
He added after 5minutes silence.

Why does he care ,I can't just wait for him to leave so I can escape out of this house today.
Am not gonna say a word to you.

The next thing I heard was the sound of a key opening the door from outside.
Oh no!
I forgot he had spare
Keys to every door in this house.
I can't let him in.
"Ehm...ehm am fine just drop the tray by the door ,I'll eat it"I said quickly ,to avoid him from coming in.

I heard his footsteps as he left.
"Thank God"I said with a sigh of relief, before moving close to the door.
I don't joke with food 😂,I'll eat that food because am famished I have not eaten since yesterday.
I opened the door with the key.
I look straight to the tray of food and I quickly carried it up and turned to go back into the room,not until I felt two rough hands over my tiny waist.
I didn't even realize when the tray slipped from my hand and broke,the food and tea poured.

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