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After I hours of walking all of you are now in front of your butterfly estate you open the door and you go inside first

I'm home girls!

You said and then you all heard footsteps and then the butterfly girls run towards you and hugged you tightly and aoi and shinobu are just on the back and then the butterfly girls let go of you and then they all noticed the people behind you And three of them speak

Who are they? Y/n-sama

Three of them said and you just smiled and you look at them

Can please introduce yourself to all of them

All of them nodded and they started to introduce there self and then after they finish you look at the girls

Okay girls it's your turn to introduce

You said and all of them nodded

Hi! My name is Takada naho!

Naho said and then I heard a voice and I chuckle about when he said

Brother, is that your lost daughter?

Rindou said and then ran slapped rindou on back of his head and he sent glare on rindou

Hello! I'm terauchi kiyo!

Kiyo said with a smile

I'm sumi nakahara

Sumi said and then it's aoi and shinobu turn

Hi, I'm kanzaki aoi but you can call me aoi

Aoi said and then y/n look at shinobu and she smile and signal shinobu to introduce

Hi I'm kocho shinobu..

Shinobu said and I sweet dropped on her attitude I just signed and then y/n realize that there's someone missing you look around and then you look at the girls

Where's kanao?

You said and shinobu signed and she pointed and then you followed where she pointed and then you see kanao hiding and then you smile and signal her to come to you

Kanao go towards you and she hides behind you and she hold your haori tight
You just chuckle and then you look at them with apology face

I'm sorry about her, her name is kanao tyusuri you can call her kanao she kinda shy in new people

Y/n said and all of them nodded I was about to speak again until I heard my crow and then landed on her shoulder and then the crow speak

Caw you still have mission! Go back to your mission! Caw!

The crow said and fly away, y/n signed and she looked at the girls

You take care of them for a while, okay?

You said and the girls nodded and you look at them

Later I'm ganna talk to my master about it, okay? So don't worry I will do anything you all go back to your peacefully world!

You said and all of them look at you silent and then you leave and you go out to your estate and vanished in air

Aoi clear her throat and she look at them and shinobu rise her one eyes brows while looking at them

So.. Follow me I can take you all to the rooms for a while

Aoi said and walk away and then all of them followed aoi, shinobu staring at them with suspicious and she just shrugged it and go to her own room

When they got there aoi look at the boys and she pointed at the door and she open it

This is your rooms boys

Aoi said and all the boys go inside and mitsuya bowed thanks on her and aoi nodded and she look at the girls

Follow me girls

She said and walk to the other door and she open it for the girls

And this is your rooms girls, I'm ganna call you all when the food is ready

Aoi said and the girls bowed thanks and aoi just nodded and she leave and go to the kitchen

Something wrong about those people...

Aoi thought while she chopping some vegetables and the three little girls are helping her

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