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I was happy that because the future is become peaceful because izana-kun and Mikey-kun are become brothers again and izana-kun stayed on Mikey's-kun house

And all of the leaders of the gang disbanded there gangs and they want have a happy life and I was happy about it hina didn't die now and all the people that die is alive

But we will never forget that person that saved us that day because she was a legendary warrior saving so much people with her own life.

And I know that all of them are doing fine there having so much fun on there world

Takemichi end:

All of them are hanging out together on the park while they are walking someone bumped into takemichi and takemichi look at that person and he bowed

I'm sorry.

Takemichi said and the person smile

Ah, it's okay I should be the one sorry because I didn't even see where I'm going.

The person said and all of them froze because that voice just like her
And when that person slowly look at them they look at the person in front of them shock

It was y/n kocho she was just like her all of them try not cry because it was the girl who's saved the people so many times the girl look at them with a smile on her face

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It was y/n kocho she was just like her all of them try not cry because it was the girl who's saved the people so many times the girl look at them with a smile on her face

I'm y/n kocho but you can call me y/n!

Y/n said and she held out her hands to takemichi and both of them shake hands and she look at the other people on takemichi backs and they all introduced there self

Well it's pleasure to meet you all!

Y/n said and then they heard y/n phone is ringing and she get her phone and put it on her ear

Oh really, okay I be there in a minute!

Y/n said and he hang up and she look at them

Sorry I need to get going I need to do something on the hospital

Y/n said and all of them nodded and y/n waved at them and she walk away

Oh okay! Bye y/n-san!

All of them said and waved back to her and they all watching her leaves kakucho smile

She is really y/n-san.

Kakucho said and all of them smile

Well looks like that y/n-san is having so much fun on our world now. Let just be happy that she got a second chance to live.

Rindou said and ran clapped proudly on his brother say and rindou just rolled his eyes and all of them laughed and walk away Takemichi is still looking at y/n he smile with a tears on his eyes

Y/n-san you are really deserve this peacefully world. Please have a good live

Takemichi thought and he runs towards his friends little he doesn't know that y/n is smiling while walking away on them she look at the sky

You really deserve a good future takemichi-kun

Y/n thought

That smile you all have is so pure and that happily hanging out you all together is making me happy too.


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