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It's already night, y/n stretch her body while she is standing on her seat and she sign and look at her window
She get her hoari and sword

She put her sword besides on her waist, and she go out on her room and when she got there she see all of them on the living room

They are all talking happily with her butterfly girls, she smiled while watching the scene in front of her and then Shinobu noticed it and she smile

Ohayo nee-san!

Shinobu said and all the people on the living room look at y/n and they all smiles, she just smile back and she go to all of them

Ara-ara, you must having fun while I'm on my room

Y/n said with a softly voice and all of them nodded with a blush on there face

Jah, I be going now! I have a mission now better take care of them shinobu!

Y/n said and she leave didn't even let them speak and shinobu just signed and she look at Aoi

Aoi, I'm just going to my room call me if you need anything.

Shinobu said and leaves and go to her room, it was silent until takemichi speak

Uh, is shinobu-san always like that?

Takemichi said with a nervous smile on his face

Yeah, sorry about her she just can't trust the people that fast.. But don't worry about it, it's not that they hate you all. Now let's go eat cause the food I already finish!

Aoi said with a smile on his face and all of them stand up and go to the table

Aoi said with a smile on his face and all of them stand up and go to the table

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They all pray for the food and they all eat it

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They all pray for the food and they all eat it

Ah, aoi-san cooking is so good!

All of them though expect the cold people, takemichi look at aoi

Uh, aoi-san why y/n-san is not eating with us when she is going to her mission?

Takemichi said and all the people on the table look at aoi

Y/n-san, is not eating with us when she is going to her mission, but she is eating when she come back so don't worry about it

Aoi said and all of them nodded and they all continue eating, when they all finished eating the girls helped aoi again and the boys  is already on there room, while expect the cry baby hero, he is looking around and find shinobu

Cause when he go to shinobu room she was gone that's why takemichi is looking for him, and he finally see shinobu and she is just looking at the sky, shinobu didn't even notice that someone is seating beside her

Takemichi look at her and he look at the dark night sky with his ocean eyes

So, shinobu-san why are you not eating with us? Do you hate us that we are here staying on your sister estate?

Takemichi said and he only received a silent treatment on shinobu, takemichi just chuckled nervously

No it's not that... It just...

Shinobu said and now looking at the ground with her sad face, takemichi notice it but don't want to talk first

It just that... When I see you all happily eating and talking it feels like we are living like with no demons this world... And I can feel that all of you are having fun on your world without demons...

Shinobu said with still a sad face and takemichi just looking at her silent

And when y/n-nee is always go home in morning it feels like I'm just hated myself and I didn't even help my big sister, she is always there for me! And I want to become like her one day

Shinobu said with a now tears on her faces and takemichi look at her eyes widened and takemichi Pat shinobu on the back gently

I-i want our world to become peacefully like your world! Takemichi-kun!

Takemichi just looking at her and still continue patting her back gently

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Takemichi just looking at her and still continue patting her back gently

You know takemichi-kun, all the demons slayers are doing there best just to save all the people in danger, and sometimes the slayers always getting hurt and get into coma...

Shinobu said

And y/n-nee is doing everything she can just to saved all the slayers! And I'm so lucky to have a big sister like her!

Shinobu said and takemichi smile on her

Yeah, we are thank you for all you doing make us go back to our world and we thank you make us stay here in you estate

Takemichi said and shinobu nodded and she smile on him and both of them look at the dark sky

I know that your world is ganna be like ours...

Takemichi thought while looking at the sky with a small smile on his face

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