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y/n is still inside on her office and continue reading the book she found about them, while she was reading it she heard her crow outside on her window and she look at the window and she open it and make her crow go inside


Her crow said and then it fly away y/n stand up on her seat and she get the book with her and she go out on her office. She got out on the estate and then she hears some noises on the backyard

Y/n look confuse about the noise, she go to the backyard and she see all of them the butterfly girls are talking on the other girls on different world and the Shinobu is teaching some other boys how to use some swords, y/n smiles on the scene in front of her then she leaves
When she got on oyakata-sama estate she see him seating outside on his estate while he is looking at the blue sky
And y/n go in front of him and bowed respect, oyakata-sama looked at her with a gently smile on his face

So, my child did you find some clues about them?

Oyakata-sama said while looking at the flower hashira

Yes, oyakata-sama actually while I was finding some books on my library something feel on my head and I see this mystery book on my library. And this book looks like moon and sun shape.

Y/n said while she is looking at the book on her hands, oyakata-sama nodded and he look at his wife, and his wife nodded and she look at y/n

Can I see that book?

Amane said while she open her hands and y/n nodded and she give the book and put it on her hands gently, amane open the book and she reads ever single pages

Amane look at the book shock and she look at her husband

This book is from 2005 and I think this is ganna make them go back to there world.

Amane said and oyakata-sama nodded and her said and he look at y/n

Y/n, you're mission is now to find some clues to make them go back to there world.

Oyakata-sama said and y/n nodded and bowed

As your wish, oyakata-sama.

Y/n said and amane give the book to her and y/n thanks her and she vanished in air
When y/n got home she open the door and she already see them seating on the living room she smiles and all of them noticed about her figure and all of them smiled at her, y/n go towards them and she seat down

And she look all of them includes her butterfly girls all of them look at the flower hashira confused

Uh, what's wrong y/n-san?

Hina said and the other's agrees, and y/n smiles

I find this book on my office and im ganna fine some clues about this book to how you guys can go back your world!

Y/n said and all of them look at her excitement and the girls hugged y/n and they cry with happiness and y/n just patted there back gently and she smiles and she look at them

Ara-ara, stop crying I'm ganna what I can you guys can go back to your world don't worry, okay?

Y/n said and all of them nodded at her and y/n open the book and she pointed the years where they come from

Are you all from 2005?

Y/n said and all of them nodded and y/n smiles

Then this book is from 2005 just like you all! Well...you all don't know that you are 1912.

Y/n said and all of them look at her shock and there jaw is on the ground


all of them shouted

No way, we are got teleported from the past...

Mitsuya said and all of them agreed, and y/n signs and she massage her four heads

Well yeah, you guys got teleported from the past. Don't worry about it I'm ganna read this book maybe this is have some clues you guys can go back to your world!

Y/n said and she leaves and go to her office

She really do anything just make us go back to our world...

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞|𝐓𝐑 𝐗 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now