TR meet the hashiras?!

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Y/n is just humming while cleaning her sword outside of her estate behind of the backyard while she was doing that she heard her crow and then she look up


the crow said and fly away and y/n stand up from her seat and she put her sword besides on her waist and she go inside to make a announcement on them.

When she got there she see them finished eating together she smiled and she speak

Everyone, OYAKATA-SAMA want to meet  you all so please come with me!

Y/n said and all of them look at the flower hashira for a moment before nodded and y/n smile ok there response and all of them go out on the estate and the butterfly girls waved goodbye at them and they all just waved back

All of them are now walking ok the way to y/n's master

Uh, y/n-san who is oyakata-sama you saying?

Takemichi said and the others agreed and y/n chuckled and she continue to walk

He is the one in only the leader of demon slayer headquarters all on demon slayer headquarters respect him and including us.

Y/n said and the others nodded on her said after minutes they are now in front of oyakata-sama estate y/n look at them

Follow me inside.

Y/n said and she go inside and when she got there with them she see the other hashira talking to each other y/n smiled and uzui hears a sound of footstep he looked back and he see y/n walking towards them with a strangers on her back

Uzui look confused who's the people behind the flower hashira and then the other hashira finally noticed y/n too.

Renguko crossed his arms while looking at the flower hashira

Well good morning! Kocho!

Renguko said with a cheerful voice and y/n laughed a little and she greeted him back and while the other people on the back are just silent don't want to bother their talking

Hina lens towards Emma and she whisper to her ears

That guy with white hair is kinda handsome.

Hina said and Emma nodded and they thought no ones hears them. But there's whisper are clearly loud and the others just sweat dropped on two of them while the two boys just looking jealous

That guy is not that even handsome!

Takemichi and draken thought and then uzui finally speak and pointed at them

Now y/n-chan who is this people with you?

Uzui said and the other hashira look at them silent and y/n laugh and she go to them and speak

This people are from different world they got teleported here because of the black portal and me and oyakata-sama are trying to find some clues.

Y/n said and the hashira eyes are widened what y/n said

Umo, must be there world is peacefully without demons, huh!

Renguko said and uzui agreed to his friend/partner and gyomei put his hands together and he started to run it.

I will pray for them to go back to there world without demons.

The stone hashira said and while shinazugawa just looked away and then water hashira is just watching on 5 feet away on them with his cold expressions

Now, now, everyone let's them introduce yourself so all of them can know you!

Y/n said with a cheerful smile on her face and then the hashira introduced

Hello! I'm renguko kyojuro the flame hashira it's pleasure to meet you all!

Renguko said with his famous sunshine smile and all of them cover their eyes

So bright!

All of them thought while covering there face and y/n noticed it and she just laughed on there reaction

I'm uzui tengen the sound hashira!

Uzui said and he winks to them and the boys just sweat dropped and then the girls blushed on the handsome face uzui have they look away and uzui noticed it and he crossed his arms and he smiled proudly, because he just make some young girls blush

Hi, I'm gyomei himejima and I'm the stone hashira.

Gyomei said

Tch, I'm shinazugawa sanemi the wind hashira..

Shinazugawa said and he glared at them because they were so close to y/n and they all flinched to the wind hashira glares at them

It was silent and y/n sweat dropped and she look around to the another hashira and she finally spotted the water hashira on 5 feet away on them she smiled and waved at the water hashira

Tomioka giyuu water hashira.

That's the only word come out on tomioka's mouth and renguko laugh

Don't mind him his always like that

Renguko said and all of them nodded and then they all stopped when they heard a two twins girls speak

Oyakata-sama is here

The two twins girls said and all of them look at inside of the Japan house until they heard a noise and they look back at the hashira but they eyes widened when they see all of them bowing and they head is low

Wow, they really respect their master.

All of them thought while looking at the hashira's

Hello my children and looks like it's sunny day.

Kagaya said while looking at the beautiful blue sky and he smiled and looked at the hashira

So this is there master?!

What happened to his face?!

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