got teleported 3(end)

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Takemichi walk towards kanao and he speaks

Uh, kanao-chan where's Shinobu-san and what happened to your eyes...?

Takemichi said worried face and kanao froze on her spot and the others who's looking at the scene worried face. And I signs and I look at kanao and patted her shoulder gently and I speak

Kanao, you can say it of you want I'm giving you all some space for a while.

I said and I leave and give them some space and after I gone all of them look kanao again

And kanao signs and she look at them

S-shinobu-sama die by hand of uppermoon 2...and my other eye is blind because I use my final flower breathing style..

Kanao said with a sad face and all of them froze there spots

Shinobu-chan die by hand of upper moon 2...just like y/n die....

All of them thought and kanao started to tear up and kaburamaru trying to stop her tears but it's still dropping on the ground

And the other notice it and the girls hugged her and kanao cry harder and the boys just looking at the scene in front of them sad

And kanao continue to speak

Shinobu-sama actually sacrifice her life and she said that to me before the final battle happen...In order to defeat upper moon 2, Shinobu-sama heavily altered her body by absorbing highly concentrated wisteria-based poison over a period of a year prior to her battle with him.

Kanao finished her said and they look at her In horror

Shinobu-chan just poison her own body that can uppermoon 2 eat her...

They thought and kanao wiped her tears away on her face

Shinobu-sama get her revenge on y/n-sama dead about it..

Kanao said and the others look at each other and they smile

Shinobu-sama deserve a good peace about it and she is now with y/n-sama again.. And I happy about and how im lucky to get adopted by them.

Kanao said and she smiles and the other just smiled back at her and sanzu noticed the ring on her hand and he pointed it

Kanao, are you...married?

Sanzu said while pointing at the ring ok her hands and the other looks at her hands too and their jaw dropped and kanao blushed and she rise her hand and show the ring in front of them and she nodded with a smile on her face

Hai, I am married with tanjiro kamado.

Kanao said and it was silent until the girls started to shout and they all runs towards kanao again and hug her and they started to congrats her about it

And sanzu froze on his spot and rinduo elbows him and sanzu go back to himself and he look at rinduo and rinduo  just looked away on him and ran noticed it and he just laughed and sanzu just rolled his eyes and he look at the girls who's still hugging kanao

And takemichi smile and he look at the window with full of blossom trees outside and he close his eyes and feel the beauty of blossom trees

Have a good life shinobu-chan, y/n-san,
I know that you two are together again and having a happy memories together there.

We know that you two are the greatest heroes!

Please have a good life and enjoy being alive again




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