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All the them are on living room eating together with the butterfly girls, it's was silent because they are eating comfortable, until aoi look at them

So, all of you are on different world? While we don't know?

Aoi said while eating and all of them nodded slowly and shinobu speak

Actually I already knew that they are from different world cause nee-san told me when I got on her office.

Shinobu said and Aoi just looking at her and look back on the food

Uh, is y/n-san is not eating with us again?

Senju said, and the butterfly girls nodded and all of them signs

We never see y/n-san eat with us together.

Hina said with a sad voice and the others agreed, Aoi just smile and try to cheer them up.

Now, don't be sad! Y/n-san is ganna be sad too if she's see you all like that!

Aoi said and the butterfly girls nodded and all of them smile happily

Yeah guys! Don't be sad cause y/n-chi is doing her best just to make us go back to our world!

Mikey said and the others agreed and izana just rolled his eyes on Mikey said and Mikey See's that and he glared at the tenjiku leader

Oi, I see that you b*tch!

Mikey said while he pointing at izana and the three girls included kanao look at them confused

What is b*tch means?

All of them said and all the people on the living room froze including the two oldest butterfly girls there look at them with pale on there face

You b- I mean Mikey! Look what you did now they are now that word is!!

Draken said and mitsuya nodded agreed on him cause being a mother on the toman and the others just looking at the scene in front of them

Damn, Mikey is so dead

Hanma said and he chuckle and kisaki just rolled his eyes and continue eating his food on the table
After the chaos, all of them are now outside of the backyard and they are all looking at the view on butterfly estate

This is really so beautiful! And I can't stop looking at it! Right aniki!

Senju said and takeomo just smiled on his sister attitude and nodded agreed
While sanzu is looking at them silence on the side with mucho and mucho notice it but he just ignored it

You know..y/n-san is really kind of us.

Kakucho said and all of them agreed

Yeah, since when we all see her save that girl that day it feels like we all are safe when we are with her.

Inui said calm voice and kokonoi look at him jaw dropped and inui noticed it and he sweat dropped and he knows what he is ganna say

I'm a human just like you koko..

Inui said and he put his hand on kokonoi chin and he close his mouth and they it was silent until they hears a shout on the gate and all of them look and they see a kakushi holding a demon slayer on his back

And aoi and shinobu runs towards the slayer and they lend the kakushi on the clinic room and all of them go inside and they all see the slayer loosing lots of blood and emma put her hand on her mouth looking at the slayer in horror

And y/n got out on his office and she see the slayer and she shout

Bring him here right now!!!

Y/n said with a shout and kakushi runs towards on the room and put the slayer on the bed and y/n look at them seriously and aoi and shinobu know what it's means

The kakushi left and shinobu and aoi close the door and all of them are now on the living and aoi and shinobu walk towards them and seat

What happened to that sword man?

Izana said with a carious on his face and shinobu signs

That slayer is injured because of the demon, and looks like nee-san is ganna stay there for a half of hour saving the slayer life..

Shinobu said and it was silent on what she said

I hope that slayer is okay..

Yazuha said and the others agreed

And that slayer looks like young...

Wakasa said

Yeah, all the demon slayer members are young... They all joined just to save and help all the people..

Aoi said while looking at the ground


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