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After a hour's all of them got home on the festival and y/n runs towards them and she see them and she noticed that all of them look at y/n confused and y/n smiles happily and she showed the page

I found how you guys can go back to your world!

Y/n said and all of them look at y/n shock with happy on there face and takemichi runs towards y/n and hug her tightly and all of his friends look at him shock even his girlfriend hina look shock

Y/n just hugged back and patted his back gentle and she heard him crying on her shoulder but y/n decided to ignore the wet on her haori and continue patted his shoulder

Thank you so much for everything y/n-san I don't how to pay you back and your kindness to us!..

Takemichi said while crying and y/n just chuckled and takemichi let go of y/n and y/n patted his head and takemichi look at him with his beautiful blue eyes

There's no need to thank me or pay me back because you all deserve a peacefulness world and have a happily world you have and don't worry I will send you all back tomorrow morning, okay

Y/n said with a smile on her face

And all of them are about to cry what y/n said to them

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And all of them are about to cry what y/n said to them

You all deserve a peacefully world like us too..

All of them thoughts and y/n noticed the tears on there face and she started to freak out

Ah! There something wrong what I said?! I'm sorry!

Y/n said and all of them shake there heads and they all laughed on y/n reaction and the butterfly girls just looking at the scene and they all smiles and until they heard a crow outside and aoi opened the window

And it was y/n's crow and the crow landed on y/n's shoulder and speak

Caw the upper moon 2 spotted on *** caw!

The crow said and y/n froze and the two butterfly girls look shock and scared and y/n nodded and she get her sword on her office and she runs when she about to open the door someone stopped her and she looks and it was her sister Shinobu

Nee-san are you sure you will be okay...

Shinobu said while looking a her big sister worried and scared on her face and y/n smile and she patted her sister head and she nodded but she stopped and she look a her sister again and she give the boo to her and shinobu look confuse

I want you to send them on their world in this morning.. Okay?

Y/n said seriously and shinobu shake her head and she still holding that book tightly on her hands

N-no I can't you are the only one can make them go back to their world!

Shinobu said shaking voice and little they don't know someone listened to them and it was aoi hiding on the wall and while the other are already on there rooms sleeping already

I know you can do it and aoi-chan please.

Y/n said and she put her hand on his sister shoulder and shinobu signs and she nodded slowly and look back at her sister

Please be safe and come back alive please.

Shinobu said and y/n nodded and she open the door and she vanished in air.
Y/n is now already on the location and she slowly walking and look around she noticed the random girls on the ground bloody and she look shock who is standing and she get her sword and she glares at the man.

And it was the upper moon 2 douma y/n is still glaring at him and douma just smile and he look at him with his creepy smile on his face

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And it was the upper moon 2 douma y/n is still glaring at him and douma just smile and he look at him with his creepy smile on his face

Well, well, what do we have here. A flower hashira is here to save this people but they are already dead and you are late.

Douma said and y/n just glaring at him and she holds her sword tightly

Shinobu signs and she walk on the living and she thought everyone is already on there rooms but she was wrong all of them are on the living room seating together silently

What are you all still awake? You need to sleep because you all are going back to your world.

Shinobu said and but she was only received a silent on them and Mikey look at her

What is the upper moon 2? Y/n-chin never told us about that so you better explain it.

Mikey said with serious face and drake what to late to close his mouth and shinobu signs and she seat down and put the book on her laps and she look at them seriously

Overview. The Twelve Demon Moons are split into two groups, the Upper Moons and the Lower Moons. The demons belonging to the Upper Moons are much stronger than those in the Lower Moons. The Upper Moons have their number and rank engraved into both of their eyes while the Lower Moons only have one of their eyes engraved...

Shinobu said and all of them look at her shock

S-so you means that y/n-san is fighting a upper moon by herself?!

Kakucho said and look scared and the tenjiku members look at kakucho shock because they didn't see him like this because he is always calm person

Kakucho see y/n as his older sister to her and when she smile is look peacefully.

Shinobu and aoi looked at each other and they all nodded slowly and aoi smile

There's no need to worry because y/n-sama is strong because she is a hashira the flower hashira!

Aoi said trying to cheer them up but it's not working now.

Please be okay, y/n...

All of them thought on there minds

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