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Her purple hair smelt like smoke whenever she'd touch her hair people thought she wanted to impress someone, but in reality, she ran her fingers through her hair in order to calm her nerves down.

Her breath was a harsh minty scent, her eyes were consistently droppy making her seem careless, emotionless and unbothered. She roamed the halls alone twisting the rings on her fingers to calm her anxiety down during lunch or would go behind the wall beside the school and smoke a fag, one arm around her waist with her other elbow resting on it and a fag between her fingers then popping out a box of mints right after to cover up the smell.

She never spoke to anyone unless she absolutely had to or if they started the conversation first she'd end up trying to end it as fast as she could either way.

She'd often go home after around 6 classes, she knew school wouldn't help her become successful I don't blame her I would leave to if I could.

Sometimes I'd see her pick up her siblings from school, it was the only time I'd see her smile, happy to speak and eyes full of joy.

I wanted to start something with her but it was nearly impossible to, when I got the opportunity to work on a project with her, she was actually a really nice person to talk to she wouldn't cut me off and always listen to my opinion on how we can improve our project she was none of like my other friends. After that day I asked if she wanted to hang out with me during break she was hesitant at first but she agreed!!

My friends were confused on why I wasn't with them during break. Marina walked up to where me and Y/n were sitting "Hey Y/n mind if I speak to Jenna for a second" to which Y/n slowly nodded her head. Marina pulled me a couple of steps away from  the table I once sat at.

"What are you doing with her?"
"Eating lunch why?"
"Jenna don't act stupid, you know she's gay right?" she said lowering her voice slightly glancing over at Y/n.
"You're making it seem like it's a bad thing"
"Cause it is Jenna, everyone will think you're gay too" she now whispered
"And what if I am?" I said raising my eyebrow.
"Don't be silly, Jens we both know that's not true I mean weren't  you dating Ryan like 2 weeks ago"
"No we weren't dating I don't need to explain anything to you and also bi people exist too you know"
"Ew, Jenna don't bother hanging out with us until you've finally come to your senses"
She huffed and walked away, I sat back down looking over at Y/n who was on her phone.

"Hey wanna go outside," I asked which she nodded.

"Mmh Jen"

"Stop I didn't bring my makeup"

"You've been in for 6 classes anyway come over to mine, no one will see"


Jenna/Wednesday/Abby(Tlou) imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now