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Johnathan looked over the file his detective had prepared about Savannah Nottage. His heart went out to her family after he saw how her father had passed away. Her bills were to the max and it seemed so unfair for such a remarkable and kind woman. Savannah had a clean past and lived a quiet life helping out the youth in her community and church. She rarely dated and kept to herself. Johnathan was astonished by the revelations. This woman would attract any man in their right mind. 

The more he thought about her the more he wanted her to be his wife. Lord forgive me for being a hypocrite, he thought. His past with women was messy but here he was wanting better for himself. How would he do this? He could not spring it on her suddenly but gradually. It had been a long time since he wanted something so badly other than his inheritance to branch off from his father. Johnathan could not see himself settling with his usual type. He was always with the extroverts, the wild, spontaneous partners who were willing to do what he desired to please him. He could not trust any woman with this plan. They would use this against him in every possible way. Savannah's character appeared to be one of integrity and honesty. Of course, he would make it profitable for her. Would I be able to tune down my bachelor's ways for a year? he thought. Yes, he told himself. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

Savannah was confused about Johnathan's silence. What was it with this man these days? She never really noticed him and worked professionally along with him from time to time. But something was off and different. She didn't know what it was but her spirit spoke volumes and told her something had changed in his reaction toward her.  Furthermore, she could not explain her racing heart when she was around him.

"Is that all?" Savannah said waiting to be dismissed by him. She looked at him innocently melting his heart. Johnathan's eyes lingered a bit too long as he stared at her. He almost blurted out, "Marry me." He knew that would scare the poor woman and label him insane. "I would love.......," he started. "To get your input on helping some charities in your neighborhood," he said. Savannah was lost to his suggestions but happy if she could help the children get sponsorship and financial aid.  But why her? she thought. 

Johnathan could see her getting suspicious and uncomfortable. "I want to give back to the community and touch some of the employee's personal charities. Our company loves doing the unexpected and getting to the core of the community. I choose you for this project because you get along well with everyone and can gather information easily," he thought on his feet. He needed her to become comfortable with him before he asked about the arrangement. 

Savannah smiled warming his heart. Being around her brought a peace he could not explain. "Well, I will be happy to do it. Many of us help personal charities that are dear to our hearts," she said. "That's wonderful," Johnathan smiled back. "I will forward the details from you," he said.

"Looking forward to it," she said. "Thanks for the files," he said nodding and giving her permission to leave. Savannah left feeling good about the possibility of helping others. It was something close to her heart. 

Kyra watched her friend closely. She was happy she found some avenues to get her mind off her problems. However, she was still concerned about how she was going to find permanent release from all the debt she was in. "Are you staying late?" Kyra asked. "Just a little to finish this list of all the charities," Savannah admitted. "We will talk later. Please don't stay too late," Kyra stated. Savannah continued to work thirty minutes later and saw  Johnathan watching her closely. 

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