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An hour passed and Savannah stayed at the apartment. She could not face her family or Johnathan right now. "Kyra, I know you have to go. It's okay. I'll crash here for a while," Savannah informed her friend. "I can't leave you here like this," Kyra lied next to her on the sofa. "It's okay," Savannah encouraged. Savannah changed into comfortable sweatpants and a T-shirt. "I can text my husband and crash here with you," Kyra said picking up her phone. Kyra looked at the incoming call. "It's Johnathan," she told Savannah. "Don't answer it," Savannah instructed. When they heard a knock at the door they both were startled to hear Johnathan on the outside. "Savannah, please let me in," he begged. 

"How did he find me?" she asked pacing. "Did you turn off the location on your phone?" Kyra asked quietly. Savannah pulled out her phone and checked her icons. "No, I didn't," she scolded herself. "Are you going to talk to him?" Kyra said. "I am angry with him and don't want to see him," Savannah retorted. "Good, don't keep those emotions inside. You have to talk this out. You have gone this far with him. Let the Holy Spirit lead you on what to say and do," Kyra advised. "I love you my sister call me when you want me to return back," Kyra said heading out the door.

 When Johnathan saw Kyra he could see the disappointment in her eyes. He knew Savannah told her the truth. Savannah had kept this a secret for months. He was worried to know she was finally letting it all out. "Please be honest with her. She deserves love and truth, not deceit and games," Kyra said looking at Johnathan. Johnathan took a deep breath before he entered the apartment. He had no idea what was about to happen.

Savannah looked out the window and refused to face him right away. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Savannah, you are my fiance. I am exactly where I need to be," he said walking to approach her. "Please don't come any closer," she demanded. His heart ached to see that she was crying. He respected her boundaries and remained near the sofa. "Don't try to lie to me. I heard everything that you and the detective were discussing. I came outside to get some air and stumbled upon your conversation. You should know about stumbling upon people's conversation," she scolded. 

"Savannah, I am sorry for hurting you," he said still trying to come near her but each time she refused and stopped him. "You had me investigated. You targeted me from the very beginning," she said. Johnathan could not lie to her. "Why are you playing this game with me?" she said. "Savannah it's not a game. Yes, my intentions, in the beginning, were purely business. However, I got to know you and wanted more. Everything I did for you was because I cared about you, your needs, your likes, and your dislikes. Savannah you are everything to me," he said. 

Savannah pulled the wedding ring off her finger. Johnathan's heart crumpled realizing what was happening. He was at her side no longer able to keep the distance. "Savannah, don't do this to us. I know we did not come together the right way but that does not change how I feel about you at this moment," he said desperately grasping onto straws. Savannah started to cry and he reached out to embrace her. She backed away from him hurting him more.

Savannah opened his hand and placed the ring into it. "I can't marry you. I don't want this arrangement that was built on lies. I am sorry I can't be your wife," Savannah said shedding more tears. "Savannah you signed an agreement. You made a commitment," he reminded her. "I did and I signed a contract that gives me the right to change my mind if I wanted to," she told him trying to flee from his closeness.

"He desperately grabbed her into a hug from behind. "Savannah, think about it. Why would I give you a way out, why would I invest in our relationship and meet your needs? This is more than an arrangement. Savannah please don't give up on us. I love you," he said. Savannah froze hearing the words from him was shocking and so real.

"You can't spin this. If you love me let me walk away from this," she instructed him. "I can't be without you. Please forgive me. Tell me what you want me to do," he said looking into her eyes. 

"Johnathan, do the right thing. I leave you to figure it out," she said choking up. Savannah walked away from him and stood by the door asking him to leave. He refused. "Savannah, I can't simply stop loving you. You know what we have is real. How do you feel about me?" he asked.

"How I feel is irrelevant. Would you please go?" she begged. "Savannah I don't want to lose you over this," he indicated. "We can arrange payments for all you have spent on me," Savannah admitted.

"Savannah please," he demanded. "Do you love me?" he asked directly. Savannah did not want him to hang onto hope. "Love is not enough. I don't want this craziness any longer. I want a normal relationship," she stated. Johnathan needed to hear the words from her. He had never loved a woman as he loved her. He always felt as love made you vulnerable and weak. He was hurt that she wanted to walk away from him. He felt extremely lost and vulnerable. 

Savannah continued to stand her ground and waited for him at the door. She saw the hurt and desperation in his eyes. What good would it do to tell him that she loved him? She just wanted space and breathing room after their game over the last six months. 

She opened the door prompting him to leave. "Johnathan, I have fallen in love with you. But I don't know if you love me or your inheritance more. I can't be a part of this any longer so I choose to walk away," She said firmly. 

Johnathan got what he wanted. Just knowing that she loved and cared for him was enough. He walked to the door reluctantly and kissed her gently on the lips. Savannah did not respond.  "I pray you will forgive me and we can start again but I am not giving up on us. My heart is yours and I can't stop loving you," he said walking out the door. 

When he was gone Savannah locked the door and cried. Why did she have to love him? And he loved her made it bittersweet. Savannah did what she relied on all along. She prayed to God for help. 

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