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Savannah thought about the proposal the entire night. Could she really go through with it? The money could change everything for her family but she would be giving up her dream of meeting the right man and the stain of divorce on her name. She closed her eyes frustrated and mad at the way Johnathan put her in this position. Why did he have to pull her into this?

"Honey, come down for dinner," her mother said from downstairs. Savannah was hiding that things were worse than ever for the family finances. She could not bear for her mother to lose the only home she knew that was filled with memories of her father. She got up out of bed reluctantly and went downstairs for the family dinner. 

Kristen and Bradley were goofing around like always. Her mother was happy to see her family together at dinner time. There were smiles and laughs all around the table. Savannah soaked it all in and felt her family was so sad for a long time after her father's death. Cancer hit his body and took him away. Seeing them now happy and continuing life with hope was inspiring. Victoria watched her daughter closely sensing a lot was going on in her mind. Recently, she was worried about her because she knew she was the one keeping the family together financially. She squeezed her daughter's hand as an act of love and support with whatever she was dealing with. 

Bradley spoke up proudly. "Savannah, I have three colleges ready to recruit me. That athletic scholarship is possible. I may be responsible for my books alone but it is promising," he said excitedly. "Great bro," Kristen said. "Wow honey, that's great news!" Victoria smiled. "Excellent," Savannah managed to say. How could she dash his hopes or dreams? Truly, college could not happen right now.  "Thanks for encouraging me not to give up," Bradley said hugging his sister. Savannah cried at that moment prompting everyone to get a little emotional. Her family thought it was tears of joy. However, Savannah knew everyone was depending on her. Her tears were really sad because she was running out of options.  

Savannah wished she could confide in someone about what was going on. But she could not put that burden upon anyone. This arrangement could only be kept between Jonathan and herself. So she could only do what she knew best. She prayed to God for answers. When she returned to work Monday morning she was met with numerous emails coming into her personal email account. The mortgage and medical bills were paid off. In addition, a deposit was made to her bank account. Savannah gasped at the information before her. What did Johnathan do? He was making the decision for her by doing this. What choice would she have now? He was not making it easy for her.

Kyra watched her friend closely all day. She knew something was up but she had no intention of pushing too hard. She prayed for her with whatever she was dealing with. Savannah did not know how to react to this all. She was debt free in a matter of days. She would have to talk to him about this. Having him use his money to pull her in was nerve-wracking for her. He sent a message asking her out for dinner because he wanted to talk. Savannah replied, "Yes." She busied herself the entire day and talked little to Kyra throughout the day. At lunch, Kyra could not take it any longer. "What's going on with you?" she asked concerned. Savannah decided to give her bits and pieces without giving the whole truth.

"I am going out to dinner with Johnathan. I am a bit nervous about it," Savannah said hoping this would calm down her friend's curiosity. "Wow, what changed?" Kyra asked. "Just decided to give him a chance and see how it goes," Savannah said. "Are you sure about this?", Kyra asked searching her eyes. "Yes, I am tired of being afraid to try something new," Savannah said avoiding her eyes. Is this what she had to deal with? Pretending to love a man to avoid suspicion? She already felt horrible about it. Kyra could not believe it. She felt something was off but did not dwell on it. "I support you no matter what," Kyra said grabbing her friend into a hug. Savannah cherished those words more than Kyra realized. 

Later that evening as Savannah got dressed for her date and her mother watched her carefully. She had no idea she was seeing anyone. Savannah told her she was going out with Jonathan Maxwell. Her mother was surprised her daughter was connected with one of the bosses at the company. However, she knew she raised her right so she had to trust her with whatever was going on. 

"You look beautiful," her mother teased." Johnathan Maxwell will not know what hit him," her mother said. Savannah smiled and gave her mother a huge hug. Savannah had to remind herself why she was going to do this. It was for her mother and brothers. When the doorbell rang both of them looked at each other. Victoria walked downstairs to see the man who was taking her daughter out. 

Johnathan greeted Victoria with a warm hug. He was friendly and nice toward her. Victoria saw a handsome man, clean-cut and articulate. However, she had to learn his true heart. He looked on with admiration when he saw Savannah walk downstairs. She wore a gorgeous red dress and had her hair pinned up. She is beautiful, he thought. Savannah smiled shyly as he appeared enamored by her beauty. "Savannah, you looked breathtaking," he said taking her hand. "Thank you," she said. Her mother watched attentively. This was an unexpected relationship but she sensed both were hiding deeper feelings. 

Johnathan was worried at her silence on the way to the restaurant. He had rented a private room for them to talk. It was good that they were out and about so when the engagement came it would not be an immediate shock. 

When they were finally alone in the restaurant Savannah finally spoke. "Why did you pay those bills? Please take back the money from the account. I don't want it," she said sternly. Johnathan took a deep breath. Why was she being so difficult? Savannah was not allowing this to work. 

"Savannah, I wanted to do it. You need to see that this arrangement benefits both of us. That money is yours. It's an early advancement of our arrangement," he said. "But I never told you that I agreed Johnathan. This is all absurd and surreal. You throwing your money about is not attractive. It is coming across more like arrogance and entitlement. You do not own me. Please don't you ever forget that" she said. 

"No matter how much money you throw at me it will not change how I feel about this. I hate this arrangement scheme. You seemed to have made the decision for the both of us leaving me out of the decision process," Savannah said.

Johnathan was careful in how he answered her. It was rough that she was struggling with this when he thought it was an easy arrangement. "I am sorry if it came across that way. I had no intention of forcing your decision. I just wanted to make life a little easier for you," he said. Savannah looked at him and her heart soften a bit. He did not admit it to her but having her call him Johnathan had him excited. She was finally seeing this arrangement as a business relationship. "Don't do anything again until we both agree on it," Savannah said. 

"I won't do it again," he promised. "I still want everything you are spending on me to be accounted for. So if you want to please me keep a record of our financial arrangement going forward," she said. He hated she was so concerned about the money because he was partially genuine in helping her out. "Agreed," he said to please her. Savannah felt in her spirit it was important in regard to money. She was pulled into this but it would be on her terms no matter what. 

"Are you agreeing to the arrangement?" Johnathan asked. "I am agreeing to look at the contract," she said. Johnathan took that as she was considering it and was well pleased with her answer. Despite being conflicted Savannah felt she had to consider this arrangement to help out the people she loved for now. 

"Thank you," he said reaching for her hands across the table. Savannah looked into his eyes still torn but coming to grips with her new reality. She watched him closely wondering if she could trust this man. Savannah slowly reached across the table and held his hands. They both held hands at that moment searching each other's eyes for the security they both needed going forward. Johnathan knew in that simple touch he was developing feelings for Savannah. 

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