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Savannah stared at the beautiful diamond-cut engagement ring on her finger. It was so breathtaking! The arrangement between her and Johnathan was full speed ahead making it all surreal and unbelievable at times for Savannah. News about their engagement had spread quickly. Savannah found herself wondering why did Johnathan spend so much on this ring? Was this still an arrangement?

Kyra looked at her friend closely. Kyra saw the exquisite ring and loved it. "Why do you look like you are so deep in thought," Kyra smiled, "Just taking it all in," Savannah admitted. Savannah was amazed to see the excitement from her family and Johnathan's family toward the engagement. The support was overwhelming and surprising. The house was really nice that Johnathan had bought. However, Savannah was confused. Why was he putting so much effort into their relationship when it was fake? Sometimes it felt like too much. Somehow the lines were crossed and she realized that she was falling for him and did not intend to. The guilt still was heavy on her heart lying about this relationship to the people they loved. 

"I can't wait for the wedding," Kyra said hugging her friend. "I am happy you found someone to love you as you deserve" she continued. Savannah thought, "Did I really find someone to love me?" Savannah knew she had to get herself together because she had an engagement party within a week and a wedding that Jonathan was anxious to happen. She reminded herself this was all about him getting his inheritance. Was money more important to him? She prayed he would do the right thing. Savannah did not know how long she could go on with this lie. 

One week later

Johnathan looked at his beautiful fiance and held her hands. He pulled her close toward him."Are you Okay?" he asked. Savannah was quiet but wearing a smile as they celebrated with everyone their engagement. Johnathan was happy the people they loved were there to support them. Nevertheless, he could pick up from Savannah's mannerisms that she was not happy. "I'm good. We have been pretending so long I guess it has become overwhelming," she admitted. He wished he could tell her he had fallen in love with her. But how would she react? Would she still marry him knowing his feelings had changed?

"Johnathan, it's hard standing here pretending we are in love, and looking in the faces of our family. How will they feel if they knew the truth?" Savannah whispered to him. "What if it is not pretending?" he said looking into her eyes leaving her shocked. They both looked at each other wondering what to say to each other. Their parents pulled them apart for a toast and a chance to dance with their children one on one. As Savannah danced with her mom she held on to the words Johnathan said. What did he mean?

Johnathan danced with his mom but kept a steady gaze on Savannah. They had not come together the right way but now his feelings changed everything. He loved her and wanted to share his life with her. He hoped that telling her would remove the doubts and they would have a real marriage and not an arrangement. Johnathan knew something had to be done for her to realize how important she was to him. 

Savannah spent forty-five minutes dancing with her family and Johnathan's family hearing congratulations. Afterward, she was exhausted and went outside to catch some air. Surprisingly, she met Johnathan talking to a strange man. He did not see her exit the hall and walk towards him. Something was caught in her shoe when she bent down and heard the conversation.

"I am happy for you and Savannah," the private investigator smiled. "Thank you," Johnathan said. "After investigating her, I knew you had found a gem," he continued. "Yes, Savannah is one of a kind. After hearing about her problems I wanted to know more and I am glad I did," Johnathan admitted. "How did that happen?" the investigator asked. "She was expressing her feelings with her friend and I overheard it," Johnathan said. He had not shared all the details with his investigator about the arrangement and suddenly felt that they should not be discussing this out in the open.

Savannah gasped at the new revelation she did not know about. He had me investigated? she thought. Tears clouded her eyes. She put two and two together. He must have heard that conversation she had with Kyra in the conference room. She could not marry him after this. He targeted her from the beginning and pulled her into his deceptive plan. It hurt her to the core even more because she was so much in love with him. Savannah left the engagement party.

Kyra held her friend's hands devasted by the truth. "I can't believe you kept this from me all these months. I knew something was off when you two were suddenly in a relationship. I am so sorry about all of this," Kyra said sadden by the hurt in her eyes. "And yet you have fallen in love with him," Kyra sighed. "I never said................"Savannah started to cry. "Savannah, don't play this game with me. I know you are in love with him and I think he is in love with you," Kyra rubbed her hand. "He never said those words to me," Savannah said. "This ring, the house, settling your debts. I think this is more than an arrangement," Kyra told her. "Those things are superficial. I don't know what is in his heart," Savannah said.

"You two have to talk this out. I don't like how you came together but it is an amazing love story." Kyra teased. "How are you so calm about this? I thought you would be so mad at me," Savannah scolded. "You kept this a secret from me. My opinion does not matter. It's what you want to do going forward. You have my full support," Kyra said. Savannah stopped crying and pulled herself together. "I am going to give him back his ring and find a way to pay him back all this money. Perhaps, convince him to tell the truth," Savannah suggested.

"Honesty is commendable but what are you going to do about your love for him?"Kyra asked. "I don't know. Move on I guess. I can't love him like this," Savannah admitted. "You do realize that man is going crazy trying to find you now," Kyra informed her. "Did you tell him about this place?" Kyra asked. Savannah was not sure. They had talked extensively about everything in their lives. She was not sure if she told him about the apartment or the secret getaway. "I can't remember. Maybe his private investigator will help him find me," Savannah mocked. 

Johnathan searched everywhere for Savannah. When he realized she was gone he had to do damage control quickly. Who leaves their engagement party? He called her and she refused to answer her phone. What could have triggered this? He had finally come to terms with telling her he loved her but she disappeared on him. Her brother told him the last time he saw her she was outside. Johnathan felt the weight of the world on his shoulder. Did she hear the conversation with his private detective? "Oh God, please don't let me lose her," he thought desperately. 

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