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Johnathan invited Savannah to sit down before he explained the truth. He owed her that much because he wanted her all in on his plan. Johnathan prayed for the right words to say. "Savannah when I look at you, I see heart and soul. Your presence brings me much peace and warmth. I am at a stage where I want something separate from my father's dream. I want my own dream. My father insists I get married if I want to have my trust fund finally released to me," Johnathan continued. 

Savannah's eyes widened. What did this all mean for her? Why was he telling her this? "I have found the person I want to help make my dream a reality. Savannah looked at him confused What was this man saying? she thought. He gently held her hand taking her off guard with the closeness and gentleness of that touch. Johnathan took a deep breath and nervously let it all out. 

"Savannah Nottage, you are the only person I want at my side. Will you marry me?" he said without blinking an eye. She held her mouth from laughing in response hoping this was a joke. However, the intensity in his eyes told her he was serious. 

Savannah blinked twice to ensure she was not in a dream. Did Johnathan Maxwell just propose marriage? Savannah was quiet trying to process the request. Johnathan hoped she would oblige because he was sure she could be trusted. Savannah for the most part seemed to be kind and the typical girl next door. "It would simply be an arrangement and nothing more. Of course, I will have my lawyer draw up the contract and the terms of our agreement. As soon as we are married half of the funds would be deposited into your account.

"We will both stay in separate rooms and would have to appear like a happy couple. A year will go by quickly and you can return to your regular life. Did she want to be a part of the deceit? Would this make her a hypocrite? Would other people get hurt by their lies?

Johnathan could tell she was pondering over what decision she would make. The past few days after he noticed her he could not keep his eyes off of her. Savannah was so beautiful and different. His investigator found nothing wrong with this woman. There were no dirty, dark secrets, skeletons in the closet, or past relationships. He never saw someone with such a clean and impeccable lifestyle. Savannah was a saint compared to the women in his past. The only critical problem was the financial struggles her family was facing after her father's death. Johnathan knew a woman like Savannah was one in a million.

Savannah finally spoke choosing her words wisely and cautiously. "Mr. Maxwell I am indeed flattered," she said. "Johnathan," he corrected her. She stared at him surprised that he wanted and insisted to be on a first-name basis. They had nothing in common except for the occasional work environment. Savannah was still in awe that he even noticed her. "Wouldn't it be easier just to marry for love? I am not your type and will not compromise myself if I were to agree. What would you gain from marrying me?" she asked bluntly.

Savannah knew Johnathan dated women who were way out of her league. Why did he want to settle for a plain Jane? Johnathan smiled because he knew Savannah hardly dated and promoted strong Christian values in her life. "Because it's more believable and marriage with you is a story that I could get away with. You being different works to my advantage. I promise you I will not be out there being wild and crazy when we are married. When I am committed I am well disciplined he said. His blue eyes captured hers making her turn away abruptly.

Savannah did not know if she could do this. She did not have that much experience with men. She had one kiss in college and stayed between work, church, and home for the last five years of her life. Marriage was a huge step when she was dealing with a man like Johnathan who had a reputation for playing the field when it came to women. She was twenty-nine and hardly dated but was content with waiting.

"Boundaries and Respect are all outlined in the contract. If you read the contract and see something you don't want or like make a note and change it. I want you to be as comfortable as possible with this arrangement," he continued. "And you don't strike me like a gold digger. I would want someone who deserves the funds. Someone like you. I am sure this money would make life easier for you and your family. Savannah hated to admit the truth but he was correct. The mortgage was in arrears, medical bills were overdue, her brother wanted to go to college and her mother was retiring with little income. But she did not want to displease God and go against what was the right thing to do. But how could she walk away from an opportunity to make life better for her family?

"As for love, it will come one day but it's not here yet and I need this marriage to propel my future," Johnathan announced. "Perhaps, the goodness in you may rub off on me," he joked. Savannah remained serious. This was her life. How would she explain to her future husband why her first marriage did not work out? There was so much dynamics to this arrangement she did not know where to start.

"Let me give you about a week to consider it and get a copy of the contract to you. Please promise me you will think about it?" he asked searching her gorgeous eyes. "Okay, but I make no promises," she said getting ready to leave his office. This was crazy. What he proposed was shocking and it left her in awe. Savannah had read about arranged marriages and never thought she would be a part of something like this. 

"And you are okay with keeping this from your parents, friends, and family?" she asked wondering about his character. She had to consider what kind of man even before agreeing to this. "Are you okay with this?" he asked turning the table. "This is between you and me," he informed her. "Okay, Mr. Maxwell," Savannah said finally heading towards the door. She decided that this man had to be crazy to propose marriage to a complete stranger. 

"Johnathan," he corrected her opening up his office door to escort her out. When would he get her to stop being so formal with him." Please remember I am going to be your husband," he said. Savannah remained in her head during most of the conversation and could not wait to get out of there. Could she marry Johnathan Maxwell despite her reservations? This was the last thing she ever expected. She concluded this man had to be out of his mind to propose such a scheme.  

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