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Savannah read the contract repeatedly. A week passed and she still was not ready to sign it. Everything was clear and precise in the agreement. She would go out with him, live with him and stay in separate rooms. The arrangement was professional and followed a business contract with guidelines. What would happen if she changed her mind? Putting her signature would seal the deal. She could not risk getting sued. The more she pondered it the more she felt she had more to lose. 

Savannah made a list of her concerns and forwarded it to Johnathan. She continued throughout the day trying not to dwell on the arrangement that occupied her thoughts far too much. Savannah agreed she needed a change of scenery. She called Kyra and invited her on a work assignment. They were confirming the charity organizations and facilities that were receiving funding. Kyra and Savannah went out together on an assignment enjoying each other's company.

Firstly, they arrived at one of the soup kitchens in a local community. Savannah was shocked to see Johnathan serving food. "Wow, I did not know he got so involved," Kyra said impressed. Savannah did not know he cared that much to be involved to this extent. Seeing him like this made her feel good that there was more to him than she really knew. "Are you going to say hello?" Kyra encouraged. "Yeah," Savannah said snapping out of it. 

"Hey," Savannah said smiling when they greeted him. She eyed him from head to toe surprised he worked in his expensive clothes without worrying about getting them dirty. She appreciated it when he did things from the heart. They looked at each other for a while prompting Kyra to roll her eyes at the two of them. "Okay lovebirds enough of that," she teased. Jonathan grinned and Savannah blushed. We are not in love just business partners Savannah wanted to scream. 

"I guess we both were checking out the facilities on the list," he said looking directly at her. "You ladies continue. All of our input is important," he said returning back to serving. Kyra and Savannah continued to tour before they left. "Your man is full of surprises," Kyra laughed. "He is not my man," Savannah said. Kyra shook her head. "You guys are dating, always talking secretly, staring at each other constantly," Kyra pointed out. "Savannah, he is your man," Kyra laughed.

My arranged man, Savannah thought. Savannah was intrigued by the things she did not know about him. She looked down at her phone and saw a text from him. "Have dinner with me?" Johnathan wrote. Savannah wrote "Rain Check." "I have a family night with my mom and brothers," she wrote. "Can I come?" he texted back. What was he doing? Savannah thought. Their marriage would not be real. But she knew it would be easier for her family to adjust to it, to him when they made the announcement. "Okay," she said. Johnathan sent a thumbs up thrilled. He finally understood they needed to get to know each other better, and each other families to make Savannah okay with all of this. 

Savannah reviewed the new contract. She was pleased she would not be sued if she changed her mind about the arrangement. Savannah knew she was not giving him a definite promise that she would marry him and she left things up in the air with this new contract. However, this made her more comfortable and accepting of the idea that she would go through with it. Savannah had to admit he was doing everything to please her and meet her demands with no questions. She had to admit it was admirable and sweet of him. This was nothing more than an arrangement but she found herself liking him more and more.

"No way Johnathan you can't be that lucky," Bradley shouted after he won another game. Kristen laughed and teased his older brother. Kristen was getting a kick out of his brother's losing streak. Bradley had dominated their family game night for years and Johnathan crushed his record. Savannah smiled to see the happiness and laughter that filled the room. Her family welcomed Johnathan with open arms and he blended in perfectly. Savannah could not believe how well they all hit it off. Her brothers were having such a good time it melted her heart to see this. Victoria was enjoying his company as well. He complimented her on her cooking as they ate, laughed, and played together. Who was this down-to-earth man? Savannah thought watching him in awe. 

Her brothers took the time to set up a day for the boys. Savannah knew she would have to tell Johnathan not to spoil them rotten. Her mother motioned for her to come into the kitchen to help her with dessert. Victoria beamed. "Honey, he is amazing! I have not seen your brothers laugh so hard, and be so competitive and carefree like that for such a long time. He is actually good for your brothers. I am pleasantly surprised," Victoria beamed. "You and I both," Savannah smiled at their mother's enthusiasm. 

After everything was over Savannah walked him to his car. "Thanks for inviting me. I just love your brothers and mom," he laughed. Johnathan loved being around them, especially her. "Thank you for the care you showed my brothers," she smiled. "It was easy, your brothers are wonderful," he said appreciating she was walking so close to him. Every time he was around her his heart rate increased and his stomach was in knots. Savannah Nottage was doing something to him that he could not explain. He could not tell her he was attracted to her. It would complicate things and he most recently, got her to open up and drop those walls. 

Savannah passed him the contract in an envelope. "I agree to marry you," she said. Johnathan was speechless and pulled her into a hug taking her breath away. His lawyer was not pleased with all the changes and he felt Savannah held the upper hand. Johnathan told him to simply make the changes.  He knew that he wanted her and only her to be his wife whatever it took to make her agree with the arrangement.  

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