Taste of time

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I know she'll agree to marry me, her mother and sister means everything to her. The truth is I don't know where her sister is and her mother....she is already dead. Michael killed her the night Sofie got kidnapped.

After I locked the basement door I went up.
"Boss" One of the guards came to me
"Speak" I said looking at the papers on the table.
"Your father is in town" fuck
"What? Where is he?" I asked, standing up.
"Waiting for you in your office, sir" I immediately grabbed my jacket and drove to my office.

When I got there, he was sitting on my chair.
"Long time no see, son" He said smiling, I knew he was here for a good reason. "Why are you here" I asked blankly.
"sit down" He said. I ran my hand through my hair and did what he told me to.
"I heard you got a girlfriend, is it true?" He asked seriously "And it's Michaels daughter!" He banged his hand on the table making a loud noise.
"That doesn't make me want her less, father" I don't care about who Micheal is, he might be powerful but not more than me.
"Have you lost your mind! dammit! You'll let her go, and I don't want to see you around her again" He said loudly.

"Father that won't happen, I can't let her go.
We will get married in a few days" My fathers eyes widen, he walked towards me and punched me in the face, causing me to fall down.
"I've  already talked with Michael" I said standing up in front of him.
"And guess what, father. He doesn't give a shit about his daughter. So i'll marry her even if it means you'll be in our way"
I made sure he knew I meant what I was saying.
"Do you love her that much?"
Love? no I don't. It's not love, i'm obsessed

I didn't answer him, I just kept looking at him, emotionless.
"Fine, bring her to dinner tonight. Let me get to know her" He said fixing his tie.
"I'm busy tonight, I'll bring her tomorrow"
My father nodded and went out.

My secretary came and said
"The meeting will begin in a few minutes, sir."
"Coming" I wiped the blood of my face and fixed myself before I entered to the meeting room.


My mind was somewhere else the whole meeting
"Sir, are you listening?" Daniel asked.
"Yes, I agree with what you were saying. But we should end the meeting now. My apologies"
I sat there while the other went out until Daniel said
"Your girlfriend looks absolutely gorgeous, sir. why don't we share" He said laughing.
He made my blood boil
"You won't find that funny when I kill you huh"  I said dangerously. His smile faded away.
"Get out. NOW"
my mind was a mess.

I went home early today, when I entered my mansion Alex told me that Sofie refuses to eat anything.
"This kid" I whispered annoyed.
I took the plate of food and went towards the basement. Sofie was sitting in the corner hugging herself, it's first now I realised how cold it is down here.
"Here's your food, love" I said with a soft voice.
"Don't hurt my mother and sister, please" She whispered.

"So you're agree to marry me?" I walked closer to her.
"Look at me" I said. She nodded "How many times do I have to tell you to use your mouth love" I said trying not to lose my temper.
"Yeah" for some reason it made my heart melt.
Pull yourself together Dante

I picked her up bride style and went to her bedroom, I lay her down and she hissed in pain, I was confused.
I pulled her shirt up to see scars and bruises all over her back.
"Don't touch me, please" She whispered.
"Who did this to you" I don't know why I cared, but I did for some reason.
"Don't be scared, love. Tell me who did this do you?" I said seriously yet with a soft voice.
After a few second she said "My father"
"My father did this to me" Michael

End of meWhere stories live. Discover now